XWookey преди 9 месеца

+ 1 - 1

@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Component({
         //const normalizedProgress = (progressPercentage / 100) * 2; // 转换成弧度,最大值为2(对应100%)
-            this.drawCircle(this.data.progressPercentage);
+            this.drawCircle(this.data.progress);







+ 2 - 2

@@ -365,9 +365,9 @@ Page({
     let that = this;
-   wx.$bus.emit('eleCarMapPage', {
+    wx.setStorageSync('eleCarMapPage', {
     chargid: that.data.chargid
-   })
+    })
     let url = '/pages/charginfo/eleCarMap';

+ 1 - 1

@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
       <view class="chargInfo_v">
       <view class="chargInfo_v_name">{{item.chargPileName}}</view>
-      <view class="chargInfo_v_id"><text style="width:300rpx">{{item.chargPileId}}</text><text wx:if="{{!item.openStatus}}" decode="{{true}}" space="nbsp">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</text><text wx:if="{{!userInfo.flag && item.openStatus}}" class="seeReservation" bindtap="seeReservation" bindtap="seeReservation"  data-idx="{{item}}">查看预约</text><text class="startpower" wx:if="{{!userInfo.flag && item.chargstatusname=='已插枪'}}"  data-keywords="{{item}}"  bindtap="{{(!userInfo.flag && item.chargstatusname=='已插枪')?'goEleCarMap':''}}">呼叫充电车 ></text></view>
+      <view class="chargInfo_v_id"><text style="width:300rpx">{{item.chargPileId}}</text><text wx:if="{{!item.openStatus}}" decode="{{true}}" space="nbsp">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</text><text class="startpower" wx:if="{{!userInfo.flag && item.chargstatusname=='已插枪'}}"  data-keywords="{{item}}"  bindtap="{{(!userInfo.flag && item.chargstatusname=='已插枪')?'goEleCarMap':''}}">呼叫充电车 ></text></view>
       <!-- <view class="iconCard" >
         <view class="icon {{item.pileType=='慢充'?'slowBar':'fastBar'}}">{{item.pileType=='慢充'?'慢':'快'}}</view>

+ 277 - 16

@@ -8,15 +8,56 @@ Page({
     latitude: 40.006103,
+    scale:20,
-    chargid:chargid
+    chargid:0,
+    ele_chargList:[],
+    ele_park:[1,2,3],
+    markers:[],
+    markTemp:{
+        id: 1,
+        latitude: 23.098994,
+        longitude: 113.322520,
+        iconPath: '/images/triangle.png',
+        height: 5,
+        width: 5,
+        customCallout: {
+            anchorX: 0,
+            anchorY: 0,
+            display: "ALWAYS"
+        }
+        // anchor:{x: 0.5, y:1 },
+        // callout: {
+        //   content: '文本内容',
+        //   color: '#000000',
+        //   fontSize: 14,
+        //   borderWidth: 2,
+        //   borderRadius: 5,
+        //   borderColor: '#FFFFFF',
+        //   bgColor: '#ffffff',
+        //   padding: 5,
+        //   display: 'ALWAYS',
+        //   textAlign: 'center'   
+        // }
+    },
+    eleActiveIndex: -1,
+    parkActiveIndex: -1,
    * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
   onLoad(options) {
-    wx.$bus.on('eleCarMapPage', this.addHandler)
+    let that = this;
+    let json = wx.getStorageSync("eleCarMapPage")
+    let {chargid} = json;
+    that.setData({chargid})
+    let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
+    that.setData({
+        userInfo
+    })
+    this.getEleData()
@@ -75,25 +116,96 @@ Page({
+    this.getEleData()
+  },
+  callouttap(e){
+    // eleActiveIndex: -1,
+    // parkActiveIndex: -1,
+    let that = this;
+    let index = e.markerId;
+    console.info(e.markerId)
+    let ele_chargList = this.data.ele_chargList;
+    let mm = ele_chargList[index]
+    if(mm.lock){
+        return
+    }
+    if(mm.active){
+        mm.active = false;
+        if(mm.objType == 'ele'){
+            that.setData({
+                eleActiveIndex:-1
+            })
+        }else{
+            that.setData({
+                parkActiveIndex:-1
+            })
+        }
+        this.setData({
+            ele_chargList
+        })
+        return;
+    }
+    mm.active = true;
+    if(mm.objType == 'ele'){
+        if( that.data.eleActiveIndex >=0){
+            ele_chargList[ that.data.eleActiveIndex].active = false
+        }
+        that.setData({
+            eleActiveIndex:index
+        })
+    }else{
+        if( that.data.parkActiveIndex >=0){
+            ele_chargList[ that.data.parkActiveIndex].active = false
+        }
+        that.setData({
+            parkActiveIndex:index
+        })
+    }
+    // ele_chargList.forEach(key=>{
+    // })
+    console.info(this.data.ele_chargList)
+    let car_active = false
+    if(this.data.parkActiveIndex >=0 && this.data.eleActiveIndex >=0 ){
+        car_active = true
+    }
+    this.setData({
+        ele_chargList,
+        car_active
+    })
+      console.info("查询数据")
+    // 新源恒远210调试站
     let that = this;
     // 充电桩
       url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/chargInfo',
       data: {
         id: that.data.chargid,
-        ele_pagenum: this.data.ele_pagenum++,
+        pagenum: 1,
         ivType: 1,
-        pagesize: 30,
+        pagesize: 10000,
       method: 'POST',
       success(res) {
         let chargList = res.data.chargList.rows;
+        let ele_chargList = []
         chargList.forEach(key => {
           let chargstatusname = '';
           let chargstatusclass = '';
@@ -115,22 +227,171 @@ Page({
           key.chargstatusname = chargstatusname;
           key.chargstatusclass = chargstatusclass;
+          let mark = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(that.data.markTemp));
+          if(key?.currentParkPoint?.latitude && key?.currentParkPoint?.longitude ){
+            mark.id = that.data.ele_chargList.length + ele_chargList.length;
+            mark.latitude = key?.currentParkPoint?.latitude
+            mark.longitude = key?.currentParkPoint?.longitude
+            mark['ele_lock'] = key?.lockStatus == 1
+            mark['ele_unlock'] = key?.lockStatus == 0
+            mark['park_lock'] = false
+            mark['park_unlock'] = false
+            mark['lock'] = mark['ele_lock'] || mark['park_lock']
+            mark['active'] = false
+            mark['title'] = key?.currentSoc? key?.currentSoc + '%' : '-'
+            mark['type'] = mark['ele_lock'] ? '锁定' : '未锁定'
+            mark['objType'] = 'ele'
+            // mark.callout.content = key?.currentParkPoint?.pointShowName
+            ele_chargList.push(mark)
+            that.setData({
+                longitude:mark.longitude,
+                latitude:mark.latitude,
+            })
+          }
-        console.log(chargList);
+        console.log(ele_chargList);
         // that.rechargeTimeOrder(chargemoneylogs);
-          ele_chargList: that.data.ele_chargList.concat(chargList),
-          ele_total: res.data.chargList.total,
-          ele_dataLoading: false,
-          ele_fastFree : res.data.fastFree,
-          ele_slowFree : res.data.slowFree,
-          ele_fastSum : res.data.fastSum,
-          ele_slowSum : res.data.slowSum
+          ele_chargList: that.data.ele_chargList.concat(ele_chargList),
+          markers: that.data.markers.concat(ele_chargList),
+        //   ele_total: res.data.chargList.total,
+        //   ele_dataLoading: false,
+        //   ele_fastFree : res.data.fastFree,
+        //   ele_slowFree : res.data.slowFree,
+        //   ele_fastSum : res.data.fastSum,
+        //   ele_slowSum : res.data.slowSum
+        console.log(ele_chargList);
-  }
+    // 停靠点
+    wx.request({
+        url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/ivparkByStation',
+        data: {
+          id: that.data.chargid,
+          pagenum: 1,
+          ivType: 1,
+          pagesize: 10000,
+        },
+        method: 'POST',
+        success(res) {
+          console.log(res);
+          let chargList = res.data;
+          let ele_chargList = []
+          chargList.forEach(key => {
+            let chargstatusname = '';
+            let chargstatusclass = '';
+            if(key.chargstatus == 2){
+              chargstatusname='空闲中'
+              chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_kxz'
+            }else if(key.chargstatus == 11){
+              chargstatusname='已插枪'
+              chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_ycq'
+            }else if(key.chargstatus == 3 || key.chargstatus == 10){
+              chargstatusname='充电中'
+              chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_cdz'
+            }else if(key.chargstatus == 0){
+              chargstatusname='离线'
+              chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_lx'
+            }else{
+              chargstatusname='故障'
+              chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_gz'
+            }
+            key.chargstatusname = chargstatusname;
+            key.chargstatusclass = chargstatusclass;
+            let mark = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(that.data.markTemp));
+            mark.id = that.data.ele_chargList.length + ele_chargList.length;
+            mark.latitude = key?.latitude
+            mark.longitude = key?.longitude
+            mark['ele_lock'] = false
+            mark['ele_unlock'] = false
+            mark['park_lock'] = key?.parkStatus == 1
+            mark['park_unlock'] = key?.parkStatus == 0
+            mark['lock'] = mark['ele_lock'] || mark['park_lock']
+            mark['active'] = false
+            mark['title'] = key?.pointShowName? key?.pointShowName : '-'
+            mark['type'] = mark['ele_lock'] ? '占用' : '空闲'
+            mark['objType'] = 'park'
+            // mark.callout.content = key?.currentParkPoint?.pointShowName
+            ele_chargList.push(mark)
+            that.setData({
+                longitude:mark.longitude,
+                latitude:mark.latitude,
+            })
+        })
+          console.log(ele_chargList);
+          // that.rechargeTimeOrder(chargemoneylogs);
+          wx.hideLoading()
+          that.setData({
+            ele_chargList: that.data.ele_chargList.concat(ele_chargList),
+            markers: that.data.markers.concat(ele_chargList),
+            // ele_park: that.data.ele_park.concat(chargList),
+          //   ele_total: res.data.chargList.total,
+          //   ele_dataLoading: false,
+          //   ele_fastFree : res.data.fastFree,
+          //   ele_slowFree : res.data.slowFree,
+          //   ele_fastSum : res.data.fastSum,
+          //   ele_slowSum : res.data.slowSum
+          });
+        }
+      });
+  },
+  callCar(){
+    let that = this
+    let car_active = that.data.car_active;
+    if(!car_active){
+        return;
+    }
+    let ivParkPointId = that.data.ele_chargList[that.data.parkActiveIndex].id
+    let chargePileId = that.data.ele_chargList[that.data.eleActiveIndex].id
+    let userId = that.data.userInfo.userId
+    wx.request({
+        url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/callCarRequirement?'
+        + 'ivParkPointId=' + ivParkPointId
+        + '&chargePileId=' + chargePileId
+        + '&userId=' + userId
+        + '&requirementType=0',
+        data: {
+        },
+        method: 'POST',
+        success: function (res) {
+            if( res.data.code ==200){
+                // 走你
+                let url = `/pages/batteryPackWait/batteryPackWait`;
+                wx.navigateTo({
+                  url
+                });
+            }else{
+                // 给出提示
+                wx.showModal({
+                    showCancel: false,
+                    content: "调度失败" + res.data?.msg,
+                    confirmColor:'#00AADD',
+                  });
+            }
+        },
+        fail(e) {
+          console.log("呼叫充电车失败");
+        }
+    })
+    }

+ 20 - 11

@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
 <view class='view'>
-  <map longitude="{{longitude}}" latitude="{{latitude}}" markers="{{markers}}" covers="{{covers}}" show-location>
+  <!-- <map longitude="{{longitude}}" latitude="{{latitude}}" markers="{{markers}}" covers="{{covers}}" show-location> -->
+<map longitude="{{longitude}}" latitude="{{latitude}}" markers="{{markers}}" scale="{{scale}}" bindcallouttap="callouttap">
     <cover-view slot="callout">
-        <block wx:for="{{customCalloutMarkerIds}}" wx:key="*this">
-          <cover-view  class="customCallout" marker-id="{{item}}" >
-            <cover-image class="icon" src="/image/voice.png"></cover-image>
-            <cover-view class="content"> 
-              {{num}}-{{item}}-{{index}}
+        <!--  电池包 -->
+        <block wx:for="{{ele_chargList}}" wx:key="*this">
+            <cover-view  class="cardView {{item.active?'c_active':''}}  {{item.objType}}" marker-id="{{item.id}}" >
+                <cover-image class="imgLeft" src='/images/ele_lock.png' wx:if="{{item.ele_lock}}"></cover-image>
+                <cover-image class="imgLeft" src='/images/ele_unlock.png' wx:if="{{item.ele_unlock}}"></cover-image>
+                <cover-image class="imgLeft" src='/images/park_lock.png' wx:if="{{item.park_lock}}"></cover-image>
+                <cover-image class="imgLeft" src='/images/park_unlock.png' wx:if="{{item.park_unlock}}"></cover-image>
+                <cover-view  class="infoView ">
+                    <cover-view  class="topView">
+                        <cover-view class="title">{{item.title}}</cover-view>
+                        <cover-image class="power" src='/images/power.png' wx:if="{{item.objType=='ele'}}"></cover-image>
+                    </cover-view>
+                    <cover-view  class="typeView">{{item.type}}</cover-view>
+                </cover-view>
-          </cover-view>
+            <cover-view  class="triangle"></cover-view>
-  <text class="txt">请选择可用车位和电池包</text>
-  <button class='login_button' bindtap="bindCar">呼叫充电车</button>
+  <view class="txt">请选择可用车位和电池包</view>
+  <button class="{{car_active?'login_button':'login_button_disable'}}" bindtap="callCar">呼叫充电车</button>

+ 98 - 4

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ height: 100%;
     margin: 0 20rpx;
     width: calc(100% - 40rpx);
     height: 70%;
-    background-color: red;
+    background-color: #FFF;
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ height: 100%;
     border-radius: 40rpx;
     height: 80rpx;
     border: none;
-    margin: 50rpx auto;
+    margin: 70rpx auto;
   .login_button_disable {
@@ -57,9 +57,103 @@ height: 100%;
     border-radius: 40rpx;
     height: 80rpx;
     border: none;
-    margin: 125rpx 135rpx 0 135rpx;
+    margin: 75rpx 135rpx 0 135rpx;
   .login_button.button-hover {
     background-color: #36a9a6;
-  }
+  }
+  .cardView{
+    width: 160rpx;
+    height: 60rpx;
+    opacity:0.9;
+    height: calc(100% - 5rpx);
+    background-color: #FFFFFF; 
+    padding: 5rpx 5rpx;
+    border-radius: 20rpx;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    box-shadow: 9px 9px 9px #33333333; 
+    position: relative;
+    margin-left:-5rpx
+  }
+  .triangle{
+    width: 0px;
+    height: 0px;
+    border-top: 5px solid #FF0000;
+    border-left: 5px solid transparent;
+    border-right: 5px solid transparent;
+    position: absolute;
+  }
+  .cardView .imgLeft{
+    width: 50rpx;
+    height: 50rpx;
+    padding: 5rpx 5rpx;
+  }
+  .cardView .infoView{
+    width: calc(100% - 80rpx);
+    height: 100%;
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: space-between;
+  }
+  .cardView .infoView .topView{
+    width: 100%;
+    height: calc(100% - 20rpx);
+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .cardView .infoView .topView .title{
+    width: 80%;
+    height: 100%;
+    font-size: 16rpx;
+    line-height: 25rpx;
+    color:#000000;
+    text-align: center;
+    padding-left: 10rpx;
+  }
+  .cardView .topView .power{
+    width: 30rpx;
+    height: 30rpx;
+    padding-left: 20rpx;
+  }
+  .txt{
+      text-align: center;
+      color: #9A9A9A;
+      width: 100%;
+      font-size: 25rpx;
+      height: 40rpx;
+      line-height: 40rpx;
+      padding-top: 20rpx;
+  }
+  .cardView .typeView{
+    width: 100%;
+    height: 30rpx;
+    line-height: 25rpx;
+    font-size: 16rpx;
+    text-align: left;
+    padding-left:16rpx;
+    color: #9A9A9A;
+  }
+/* .c_active{
+    border:#35B2AB 5 solid
+} */
+    border:#35B2AB 5rpx solid;
+    border:#21ADFF 5rpx solid;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -200,6 +200,10 @@ Page({
+    // 查询是否充电包
+    // 查询是否正在充电
       url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/wechatchargstatus',
       data: {

+ 55 - 6

@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ Page({
   wxScan(q) {
     let charePileId = decodeURIComponent(q).replace("https://cdgl.pjnes.com/", "");
-    //console.log(charePileId);
     log.info('[首页]', '[微信扫一扫]', { 'q': q });
       charePileId = "0"
@@ -912,8 +911,15 @@ Page({
       scanResult = "0"
+  // 是否电池包
+  let batteryFlag = false;
+  if (scanResult.startsWith("tkd")){
+    scanResult = scanResult.substring(3);
+    batteryFlag = true
+  }
   if (scanResult.startsWith("hlht://") || scanResult.startsWith("HLHT://")){
-    scanResult = scanResult.                                                                                                                                                                                                                substring(7, scanResult.indexOf("."));
+    scanResult = scanResult.substring(7, scanResult.indexOf("."));
   scanResult = scanResult.replace("https://cdgl.pjnes.com/", "");
   scanResult = scanResult.replace("https://cdglyy.pjnes.com/", "");
@@ -921,7 +927,7 @@ Page({
     log.info('[首页]', '[用户完成扫一扫]', scanResult);
     log.info('[首页]', '[获取扫一扫充电桩]', '[请求]', scanResult);
-      url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/chargPile',
+      url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/' + (batteryFlag? 'chargBattery' : 'chargPile'),
       // data: scanResult,
       data: {
@@ -929,6 +935,7 @@ Page({
       method: 'POST',
       success(res) {
+        console.log( res.data);
         log.info('[首页]', '[获取扫一扫充电桩]', '[响应]', res.data);
         if (!res.data || res.data.code == 500) {
           that.data.scanFlag = false;
@@ -941,14 +948,56 @@ Page({
         } else {
           res.data = res.data.result
+          // 拨乱反正, 将电池包的逻辑强行合并
+          if(batteryFlag){
+            //  0空闲
+            let status = res.data.parkStatus
+            if(status == 1){
+                wx.showModal({
+                    showCancel: false,
+                    content: '当前停靠点占用',
+                    confirmColor:'#00AADD',
+                });
+            }else if(status == 0){
+                wx.setStorage({
+                    key: "elpackage",
+                    data: res.data
+                  });
+                let url = `/pages/scan_result/elpackage`;
+                that.data.scanFlag = false;
+                wx.hideLoading();
+                wx.navigateTo({
+                  url
+                });
+            }else{
+                wx.showModal({
+                    showCancel: false,
+                    content: '未知错误,电池包返回状态码异常:' + res.data.parkStatus,
+                    confirmColor:'#00AADD',
+                });
+            }
+            that.data.scanFlag = false;
+            wx.hideLoading();
+            return;
+          }
+            //SZP
+            // park_status
           if (!res.data.chargstatus || res.data.chargstatus == 0 || res.data.chargstatus == 1 || res.data.chargstatus == 4 || res.data.chargstatus == 5 || res.data.chargstatus == 6 || res.data.chargstatus == 9) {
-              showCancel: false,
-              content: '终端故障,维修中',
-              confirmColor:'#00AADD',
+                showCancel: false,
+                content: '终端故障,维修中',
+                confirmColor:'#00AADD',
           } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 3 || res.data.chargstatus == 8 || res.data.chargstatus == 10) {
               showCancel: false,

+ 87 - 409

@@ -8,18 +8,25 @@ Page({
   data: {
     progressPercentage: 100, // 初始进度值为50%
     // chargPile: null,
-    chargPile: true,
+    chargPile: {
+    },
+    parkObj:{},
+    eleList:{},
     orderid: null,
+    userInfo:{},
     userId: null,
     repaidbalance: 0,
     resultTable: [],
+    selectEleIndex : -1,
     // 是否减免停车费
     carParkingRate: false,
     // 停车时间
     parkTime: 0,
     authStatus: 1,
-    defPlateNumber:''
+    defPlateNumber:'',
+    car_active: false
@@ -27,450 +34,121 @@ Page({
   onLoad: function (options) {
     let that = this;
+    let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
+    that.setData({
+        userInfo
+    })
-      key: 'scan_chargpile',
+      key: 'elpackage',
       success: function (res) {
-        //console.log(res.data);
-        var chargPile = res.data;
-        let authStatus = chargPile.authStatus
-        let resultTable = chargPile.resultList
-        that.resetResultList(resultTable)
-        that.setData({
-          resultTable,
-          authStatus
+        console.log(res.data);
+        let chargPile = res.data.chargStation;
+        let eleList = res.data.chargPileList; 
+        let parkObj = res.data
+        eleList.forEach((key)=>{
+            if(!key.currentSoc){
+                key.currentSoc = 0
+            }
+            key['active'] = false
-        chargPile.sharpTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.sharpChargPrice + chargPile.sharpServicePrice).toFixed(6));
-        chargPile.peakTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.peakChargPrice + chargPile.peakServicePrice).toFixed(6));
-        chargPile.flatTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.flatChargPrice + chargPile.flatServicePrice).toFixed(6));
-        chargPile.valleyTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.valleyChargPrice + chargPile.valleyServicePrice).toFixed(6));
-        chargPile.totalprice = parseFloat((chargPile.chargprice + chargPile.serviceprice).toFixed(6));
-          chargPile
-        });
-        //console.log(chargPile);
+            chargPile,
+            eleList,
+            parkObj
+        })
         // 更新是否减停车费
-        that.execParking(that,chargPile)
-          key: 'scan_chargpile',
+          key: 'elpackage',
           success(res) {
-        log.info('[扫码]', '[加载完成]', '[参数]', res.data);
-		let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
-		wx.request({
-		  url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/syncUser',
-		  data: {
-			loginName: userInfo.loginName
-		  },
-		  method: 'POST',
-		  success: function (res) {
-			let {
-			  data
-			} = res;
-			log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data);
-			console.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data);
-			if (data.code && data.code != 200) {
-			  log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[失败data null||data.code<>200跳转登陆界面]', data);
-			} else {
-			  that.setData({
-				repaidbalance:data.repaidbalance
-			  });
-			}
-		  },
-		  fail(e) {
-			console.log("用户数据同步失败");
-			log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e);
-		  }
-    });
-  execParking(that,chargPile){
-    let stationId = chargPile.chargStationId;
-    wx.request({
-      url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carParkingRate?stationId=' + stationId,
-      // data: {
-      // loginName: userInfo.loginName
-      // },
-      method: 'POST',
-      success: function (res) {
-        // 是否减免停车费
-        // carParkingRate: false,
-        // parkTime: 0,
-        console.info(res)
-        let reduceTime = res.data?.reduceTime;
-        if(!reduceTime){
-          that.setData({
-            carParkingRate:false
-          })
-          return;
-        }
-        that.setData({
-          carParkingRate:true
-        })
-        try{
-          that.setData({
-            parkTime: parseFloat((reduceTime/ 3600).toFixed(2))
-          })
-        }catch(e){
-          that.setData({
-            carParkingRate:false
-          })
-        }
-      },
-      fail(e) {
-      console.log("用户数据同步失败");
-      log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e);
-      }
-    });
-  },
+  selectEle(e){
+    let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx;
-  beginChargeInner(that,plateNumber){
-    let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
-    let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin');
-    // 扫码启动
-    wx.showLoading({
-      title: '开启充电中...',
-      mask: true
-    });
-    log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电流程]');
-    //同步用户数据
-    log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[请求]', {
-      loginName: userInfo.loginName
-    });
-    wx.request({
-      url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/syncUser',
-      data: {
-        loginName: userInfo.loginName,
-      },
-      method: 'POST',
-      success: function (res) {
-        wx.hideLoading();
-        let {
-          data
-        } = res;
-        log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data);
-        console.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data);
-        if (data.code && data.code != 200) {
-          wx.removeStorageSync('userInfo');
-          wx.removeStorageSync('isLogin');
-          let url = '/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login';
-          wx.redirectTo({
-            url,
-          });
-          log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[失败data null||data.code<>200跳转登陆界面]', data);
-        } else {
-          wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', data);
-          wx.setStorageSync('isLogin', true);
-          let repaidbalance = data.repaidbalance;
-          that.setData({
-            repaidbalance
-          });
-          //开始充电
-          if(data.bindingPhone==0){
-            wx.showModal({
-              title: '提示',
-              content: '您未绑定手机号,请重新登录后自动刷新绑定信息',
-              confirmText: '去登录',
-              showCancel:false,
-              confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-              success: function (res1) {
-                if (res1.confirm) {
-                  wx.removeStorageSync('userInfo');
-                  wx.removeStorageSync('isLogin');
-                  let url = '/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login';
-                  wx.redirectTo({
-                    url
-                  })
-                }
-              }
-            });
-            log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[未绑定手机号]', data);
-          }else if (!data.repaidbalance || data.repaidbalance <= 0) {
-            wx.showModal({
-              showCancel: false,
-              content: '余额不足,请充值!',
-              confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-              success: function (res) {
-                if (res.confirm) {
-                  let url = "/pages/chargemoney/chargemoney";
-                  wx.navigateTo({
-                    url
-                  });
-                }
-              }
-            });
-            log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[data.repaidbalance null||data.repaidbalance<=0余额不足跳转充值界面]', data);
-          } else if (data.repaidbalance > 0 && data.repaidbalance <= 15) {
-            wx.showModal({
-              title: '余额:' + data.repaidbalance + '元',
-              showCancel: false,
-              confirmText: "去充值",
-              confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-              content: '余额过低,请尽快充值!',
-              success: function (res) {
-                if (res.confirm) {
-                  let url = "/pages/chargemoney/chargemoney";
-                  wx.navigateTo({
-                    url
-                  });
-                }
-              }
-            });
-            log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[0<data.repaidbalance<=15余额过低]', data);
-            // wx.showModal({
-            //   title:'请选择',
-            //   showCancel: true,
-            //   confirmText:"继续充电",
-            //   cancelText:"去充值",
-            //   content: '余额过低,请尽快充值!',
-            //   success: function (res) {
-            //     if (res.confirm) {
-            //       that.beginCharge_satrt();
-            //     } else if (res.cancel) {
-            //       let url = "/pages/chargemoney/chargemoney";
-            //       wx.navigateTo({
-            //         url
-            //       });
-            //     }
-            //   }
-            // });
-          } else if (data.repaidbalance > 15) {
-            log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[余额充足开始充电]', data);
-            that.beginCharge_satrt(plateNumber,1);
-          }
+    let that = this;
+    let eleList = that.data.eleList;
+    let car_active = that.data.car_active;
+    if(eleList[idx].active){
+        eleList[idx].active = false;
+        idx = -1
+    }else{
+        eleList[idx].active = true;
+        if(that.data.selectEleIndex>=0){
+            eleList[that.data.selectEleIndex].active = false;
-      }
-    });
-    // 扫描结束
-  },
-  beginChargeMsg(e){
-    let that = this
-    wx.requestSubscribeMessage({
-      tmplIds: ['3FR5XRyycT81ZWMdVi_ZQYKJcVatZr2Tm7DgcLwCD1I','KWHBIONCrdumgTkE1dpIpAZRgrN5TuhpHuZ0uU-Eud4','XWj70eHMLAjLlufPuhE_NQmdSQzhrOwEXIblWveH0bk'],
-      success (res33333) {
-        that.beginCharge(e)
-      },fail(reee){
-        console.info("ffffffffffffff")
-        console.info(reee)
-      }
+    }
+    car_active = (idx>=0)
+    that.setData({
+        selectEleIndex: idx,
+        eleList,
+        car_active
-  beginCharge(e) {
+  callCar(){
     let that = this
-    let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
-    let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin');
+    let car_active = that.data.car_active;
-    if(!that.data.carParkingRate){
-      that.beginChargeInner(that,'');
-      return;
+    if(!car_active){
+        return;
-    // 读取默认车牌
+    let ivParkPointId = that.data.parkObj.id 
+    let chargePileId = that.data.eleList[that.data.selectEleIndex].chargPileId
+    let userId = that.data.userInfo.userId
-      url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carList?loginName=' + userInfo.loginName,
-      // data: {
-      // loginName: userInfo.loginName
-      // },
-      method: 'POST',
-      success: function (res) {
-        let userCarList = res.data;
-        userCarList = userCarList.filter(it=>it.defaultType==1);
-        console.info(userCarList)
-        if(userCarList.length==0 ){
-          wx.showModal({
-            title: '提示',
-            content: '当前充电站可减免停车费,是否绑定车牌信息?',
-            confirmText: '绑定车牌',
-            cancelText: '直接启动',
-            showCancel:true,
-            confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-            cancelColor:'#00AADD',
-            success: function (ress1) {
-              if(ress1.confirm){
-                let url = '/pages/ucenter/car/chooseCar'
+        url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/callCarRequirement?'
+        + 'ivParkPointId=' + ivParkPointId
+        + '&chargePileId=' + chargePileId
+        + '&userId=' + userId
+        + '&requirementType=0',
+        data: {
+        },
+        method: 'POST',
+        success: function (res) {
+            if( res.data.code ==200){
+                // 走你
+                let url = `/pages/batteryPackWait/batteryPackWait`;
-              }else{
-                that.beginChargeInner(that,'')
-              }
-            }
-          });
-        }else{
-          let userCar = userCarList[0]
-          wx.showModal({
-            title: '提示',
-            content: '确定使用' + userCar.plateNumber + '车牌信息减免停车费?',
-            confirmText: '确定',
-            cancelText: '其他车牌',
-            showCancel:true,
-            confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-            cancelColor:'#00AADD',
-            success: function (ress1) {
-                if(ress1.confirm){
-                  that.beginChargeInner(that,userCar.plateNumber)
-                }else{
-                  let url = '/pages/ucenter/car/chooseCar'
-                  wx.navigateTo({
-                    url
+            }else{
+                // 给出提示
+                wx.showModal({
+                    showCancel: false,
+                    content: "调度失败" + res.data?.msg,
+                    confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-                }
-                return;
-            },
-            fail: function(res1){
-              console.info(res1)
-          });
+        },
+        fail(e) {
+          console.log("呼叫充电车失败");
+  });
-      },
-      fail(e) {
-      console.log("查询车辆失败");
-      log.info('[查询车辆]','[fail]', e);
-      }
-    });
-  },
-  beginCharge_satrt(plateNumber,runTimes) {
-    wx.showLoading({
-      title: '开启充电中...',
-      mask: true
-    });
-    let that = this;
-    let terminalNum = this.data.chargPile.chargPileId;
-    let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo');
-    let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin');
-    console.log(terminalNum);
-    let userId = userInfo.userId;
-    let chargstarttime = new Date().getTime();
-    console.log(chargstarttime);
-    log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[请求]', {
-      //chargPileId: '201811010000004202',
-      chargPileId: terminalNum,
-      userId: userId,
-      chargstarttime: chargstarttime
-    });
-    wx.request({
-      url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/miniprogramadd',
-      data: {
-        //chargPileId: '201811010000004202',
-        chargPileId: terminalNum,
-        userId: userId,
-        chargstarttime: chargstarttime,
-        userPlateNumber: plateNumber,
-        runTimes:runTimes
-      },
-      method: 'POST',
-      fail(e) {
-        wx.hideLoading();
-        //开启充电失败,提示用户
-        wx.showModal({
-          showCancel: false,
-          content: '开启充电失败',
-          confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-        });
-        log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[fail]', e);
-      },
-      success(res) {
-        wx.hideLoading();
-        let {
-          data
-        } = res;
-        log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[响应]', data);
-        if (data && data.code == 200) {
-          //if (data && data.code == 200 && data.orderid) {
-          //开启充电成功,跳转到正在充电界面
-          let {
-            orderid
-          } = data;
-          log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[成功,跳转充电中页面]', data);
-          //console.log(this.data.city);
-          let url = `/pages/charging/charging?orderid=${orderid}&userId=${userId}&chargPileId=${terminalNum}`;
-          wx.redirectTo({
-            url
-          });
-        } else if (data && data.code == 501) {
-          //开启充电失败,提示用户
-          wx.showModal({
-            showCancel: false,
-            content: '余额不足,请充值!',
-            confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-          });
-          log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败data.code=501余额不足]', data);
-        } else if (data && data.code == 502) {
-          //开启充电失败,提示用户
-          wx.showModal({
-            showCancel: false,
-            content: data.message,
-            confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-          });
-          log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败data.code=502' + data.message + ']', data);
-        } else if (data && data.code == 503) {
-            //开启充电失败,提示用户
-            let msg = res?.data?.message
-            wx.showModal({
-                title: '提示',
-                showCancel: true,
-                content: msg,
-                cancelText:'其他车辆',
-                confirmText:'继续启动',
-                confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-                cancelColor:'#00AADD',
-                success: function (res) {
-                    if (res.cancel) {
-                       //点击取消,其他车辆
-                    } else {
-                       //点击确定,继续启动
-                       that.beginCharge_satrt(plateNumber,runTimes + 1)
-                    }
-                 },
-                 fail: function (res) { },//接口调用失败的回调函数
-                 complete: function (res) { },//接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行)
-              });
-            log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败data.code=502' + data.message + ']', data);
-        } else {
-          //开启充电失败,提示用户
-          let msg = res?.data?.message
-          msg = msg?msg:'开启充电失败'
-          wx.showModal({
-            showCancel: false,
-            content: msg,
-            confirmColor:'#00AADD',
-          });
-          log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败]', data);
-        }
-      }
-    });
-  previewImage(e){
-    let cur = e.target.dataset.src;//获取本地一张图片链接
-    console.info(cur)
-    wx.previewImage({
-        current: cur, //字符串,默认显示urls的第一张
-          urls: [cur] // 数组,需要预览的图片链接列表
-    })
    * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成

+ 18 - 15

@@ -12,27 +12,30 @@
         <image src='/images/charging2_1.png'></image>
       <view class='charging_text_title1'>
-        <text class='bold'>{{chargPile.chargPileName}}</text>  <!-- xxxxx场站 -->
-        <text class="h1">{{chargPile.chargPileId}}</text> <!-- xxx号车位 -->
+        <text class='bold'>{{chargPile.chargStationName}}</text>  <!-- xxxxx场站 -->
+        <!-- <text class="h1">{{chargPile.chargStationId}}号车位</text>  -->
+        <text class="h1">{{parkObj.pointShowName}}</text> <!-- xxx号车位 -->
     <!-- <text style='margin-bottom:10rpx;'>地址:{{chargPile.address}}</text> -->
     <rich-text space='nbsp' nodes="地址:{{chargPile.address}}" style='line-height:30rpx;font-size:24rpx;margin-bottom:10rpx;word-wrap: break-word;' ></rich-text>
     <text style="font-size:28rpx;line-height:28rpx;">请选择电池包</text>
     <view class="cardHub">
-        <view class="card">
-            <view class="circleOut"><view class="circleIn">1</view></view>
-            <view class="main">
-                <view style="width:60rpx;height:60rpx;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 30rpx;">
-                    <circle-progress name="circle-progress" progress="100" disabled="{{false}}" width="{{15}}" r="{{14}}" lw="{{1}}"/>
+        <block wx:for="{{eleList}}" wx:key="*this"  >
+        <view class="card {{item.active?'':'dis'}}" bindtap="selectEle" data-idx="{{index}}">
+                <view class="circleOut"><view class="circleIn">{{index + 1}}</view></view>
+                <view class="main">
+                    <view style="width:60rpx;height:60rpx;margin: 0 auto;margin-top: 30rpx;">
+                        <circle-progress name="circle-progress" progress="{{item.currentSoc}}" disabled="{{!item.active}}" width="{{15}}" r="{{14}}" lw="{{1}}"/>
+                    </view>
+                    <view class="no">编号:{{item.chargPileId}}</view>
+                </view>
+                <view class="foot">电池包可用
-                <view class="no">编号:123456789</view>
-            </view>
-            <view class="foot">电池包可用
-        </view>
+        </block>
         <view class="card dis">
             <view class="circleOut"><view class="circleIn">1</view></view>
             <view class="main">
@@ -41,13 +44,13 @@
                 <view class="no">编号:123456789</view>
-            <view class="foot">电池包可用
+            <view class="foot">电池包可用
-  <button wx:if="{{chargPile}}" class='charg_button' bindtap="beginChargeMsg" >呼叫充电车</button>
+  <button wx:if="{{chargPile}}" class="{{car_active?'login_button':'login_button_disable'}}" bindtap="callCar" >呼叫充电车</button>

+ 29 - 10

@@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ page {
     min-height: 28rpx;
     color: #a3a3a3;
-  .charg_button {
+  .login_button {
+    width: calc(100% - 270rpx);
     font-size: 32rpx;
-    margin: 20rpx 65rpx;
-    height: 90rpx;
+    /* margin: 0rpx 32rpx; */
     font-family: 'Lucida Sans',
                    'Lucida Sans Regular',
                    'Lucida Grande',
@@ -100,16 +100,35 @@ page {
-    color: #ffffff;
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+    white-space: nowrap;
+    background-color: #00a8dc;
+    border-radius: 40rpx;
+    height: 80rpx;
+    border: none;
+    margin: 0rpx auto;
+  }
+  .login_button_disable {
+    width: calc(100% - 270rpx);
+    font-size: 32rpx;
+    /* margin: 0rpx 32rpx; */
+    font-family: 'Lucida Sans',
+                   'Lucida Sans Regular',
+                   'Lucida Grande',
+                   'Lucida Sans Unicode',
+                   Geneva,
+                   Verdana,
+                   sans-serif;
+    color: #fff;
     text-overflow: ellipsis;
     white-space: nowrap;
-    background-color: #1d9bf7;
-    border-radius: 45rpx;
-    box-shadow: 0rpx 16rpx 0rpx #edf5fd;
+    background-color: #c9c9c9;
+    border-radius: 40rpx;
+    height: 80rpx;
     border: none;
-    position: fixed;
-    bottom: 10rpx;
-    width: 80%;
+    margin: 0rpx 135rpx 0 135rpx;
   .charg_button.button-hover {

+ 1 - 1

@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
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