// pages/scan_result/scan_result.js let log = require('../../utils/log.js'); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { chargPile: null, orderid: null, userId: null, repaidbalance: 0, resultTable: [], // 是否减免停车费 carParkingRate: false, // 停车时间 parkTime: 0, url:'/images/scan_result.png', authStatus: 1, defPlateNumber:'', occupyFee:{}, showOccupyFee:false }, resetResultList(resultList){ let that = this resultList.forEach(item=>{ item["sumPrice"] = that.resetResultListSumPrice(item) }) }, resetResultListSumPrice(item){ if(!item.elecPrice && item.elecPrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } if(!item.servicePrice && item.servicePrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } return parseFloat((item.elecPrice + item.servicePrice).toFixed(6)) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { let that = this; wx.getStorage({ key: 'scan_chargpile', success: function (res) { console.log(res); //console.log(res.data); var chargPile = res.data; let authStatus = chargPile.authStatus let resultTable = chargPile.resultList that.resetResultList(resultTable) that.setData({ resultTable, authStatus }) chargPile.sharpTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.sharpChargPrice + chargPile.sharpServicePrice).toFixed(6)); chargPile.peakTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.peakChargPrice + chargPile.peakServicePrice).toFixed(6)); chargPile.flatTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.flatChargPrice + chargPile.flatServicePrice).toFixed(6)); chargPile.valleyTotalPrice = parseFloat((chargPile.valleyChargPrice + chargPile.valleyServicePrice).toFixed(6)); chargPile.totalprice = parseFloat((chargPile.chargprice + chargPile.serviceprice).toFixed(6)); that.setData({ chargPile }); //console.log(chargPile); // 更新是否减停车费 that.execParking(that,chargPile) wx.removeStorage({ key: 'scan_chargpile', success(res) { console.log(res); } }); log.info('[扫码]', '[加载完成]', '[参数]', res.data); let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/syncUser', data: { loginName: userInfo.loginName }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { let { data } = res; log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data); console.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data); if (data.code && data.code != 200) { log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[失败data null||data.code<>200跳转登陆界面]', data); } else { that.setData({ repaidbalance:data.repaidbalance }); } }, fail(e) { console.log("用户数据同步失败"); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e); } }); } }); }, getOccupyFee(){ // test对象对接后端服务传递过来的数据 var test = { // cost_cycle:2, // max_fee_time:120, // cost_time_period:'00:00-08:00,12:00-14:00,18:00-21:00,22:00-23:00,22:00-23:00', // free_time:10 } if (Object.keys(test).length > 0) { // 判断对象数据是否为空 this.setData({ occupyFee:test, showOccupyFee:true }) } console.log("occupyFee我草",Object.keys(this.data.occupyFee).length > 0); }, execParking(that,chargPile){ let stationId = chargPile.chargStationId; wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carParkingRate?stationId=' + stationId, // data: { // loginName: userInfo.loginName // }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { // 是否减免停车费 // carParkingRate: false, // parkTime: 0, console.info(res) let reduceTime = res.data?.reduceTime; if(!reduceTime){ that.setData({ carParkingRate:false }) return; } that.setData({ carParkingRate:true }) try{ that.setData({ parkTime: parseFloat((reduceTime/ 3600).toFixed(2)) }) }catch(e){ that.setData({ carParkingRate:false }) } }, fail(e) { console.log("用户数据同步失败"); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e); } }); }, beginChargeInner(that,plateNumber){ let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); // 扫码启动 wx.showLoading({ title: '开启充电中...', mask: true }); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电流程]'); //同步用户数据 log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[请求]', { loginName: userInfo.loginName }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/syncUser', data: { loginName: userInfo.loginName, }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); let { data } = res; log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data); console.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[响应]', data); if (data.code && data.code != 200) { wx.removeStorageSync('userInfo'); wx.removeStorageSync('isLogin'); let url = '/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login'; wx.redirectTo({ url, }); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[失败data null||data.code<>200跳转登陆界面]', data); } else { wx.setStorageSync('userInfo', data); wx.setStorageSync('isLogin', true); let repaidbalance = data.repaidbalance; that.setData({ repaidbalance }); //开始充电 if(data.bindingPhone==0){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '您未绑定手机号,请重新登录后自动刷新绑定信息', confirmText: '去登录', showCancel:false, confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res1) { if (res1.confirm) { wx.removeStorageSync('userInfo'); wx.removeStorageSync('isLogin'); let url = '/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login'; wx.redirectTo({ url }) } } }); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[未绑定手机号]', data); }else if (!data.repaidbalance || data.repaidbalance <= 0) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '余额不足,请充值!', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { let url = "/pages/chargemoney/chargemoney"; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } } }); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[data.repaidbalance null||data.repaidbalance<=0余额不足跳转充值界面]', data); } else if (data.repaidbalance > 0 && data.repaidbalance <= 15) { wx.showModal({ title: '余额:' + data.repaidbalance + '元', showCancel: false, confirmText: "去充值", confirmColor:'#00AADD', content: '余额过低,请尽快充值!', success: function (res) { if (res.confirm) { let url = "/pages/chargemoney/chargemoney"; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } } }); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[0 15) { log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[余额充足开始充电]', data); that.beginCharge_satrt(plateNumber,1); } } } }); // 扫描结束 }, beginChargeMsg(e){ let that = this wx.requestSubscribeMessage({ tmplIds: ['3FR5XRyycT81ZWMdVi_ZQYKJcVatZr2Tm7DgcLwCD1I','KWHBIONCrdumgTkE1dpIpAZRgrN5TuhpHuZ0uU-Eud4','XWj70eHMLAjLlufPuhE_NQmdSQzhrOwEXIblWveH0bk'], success (res33333) { that.beginCharge(e) },fail(reee){ console.info("ffffffffffffff") console.info(reee) } }) }, beginCharge(e) { let that = this let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); if(!that.data.carParkingRate){ that.beginChargeInner(that,''); return; } // 读取默认车牌 wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carList?loginName=' + userInfo.loginName, // data: { // loginName: userInfo.loginName // }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { let userCarList = res.data; userCarList = userCarList.filter(it=>it.defaultType==1); console.info(userCarList) if(userCarList.length==0 ){ wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前充电站可减免停车费,是否绑定车牌信息?', confirmText: '绑定车牌', cancelText: '直接启动', showCancel:true, confirmColor:'#00AADD', cancelColor:'#00AADD', success: function (ress1) { if(ress1.confirm){ let url = '/pages/ucenter/car/chooseCar' wx.navigateTo({ url }); }else{ that.beginChargeInner(that,'') } } }); }else{ let userCar = userCarList[0] wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '确定使用' + userCar.plateNumber + '车牌信息减免停车费?', confirmText: '确定', cancelText: '其他车牌', showCancel:true, confirmColor:'#00AADD', cancelColor:'#00AADD', success: function (ress1) { if(ress1.confirm){ that.beginChargeInner(that,userCar.plateNumber) }else{ let url = '/pages/ucenter/car/chooseCar' wx.navigateTo({ url }); } return; }, fail: function(res1){ console.info(res1) } }); } }, fail(e) { console.log("查询车辆失败"); log.info('[查询车辆]','[fail]', e); } }); }, beginCharge_satrt(plateNumber,runTimes) { wx.showLoading({ title: '开启充电中...', mask: true }); let that = this; let terminalNum = this.data.chargPile.chargPileId; let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); console.log(terminalNum); let userId = userInfo.userId; let chargstarttime = new Date().getTime(); console.log(chargstarttime); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[请求]', { //chargPileId: '201811010000004202', chargPileId: terminalNum, userId: userId, chargstarttime: chargstarttime }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/miniprogramadd', data: { //chargPileId: '201811010000004202', chargPileId: terminalNum, userId: userId, chargstarttime: chargstarttime, userPlateNumber: plateNumber, runTimes:runTimes }, method: 'POST', fail(e) { wx.hideLoading(); //开启充电失败,提示用户 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '开启充电失败', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[fail]', e); }, success(res) { wx.hideLoading(); let { data } = res; log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[响应]', data); if (data && data.code == 200) { //if (data && data.code == 200 && data.orderid) { //开启充电成功,跳转到正在充电界面 let { orderid } = data; log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[成功,跳转充电中页面]', data); //console.log(this.data.city); let url = `/pages/charging/charging?orderid=${orderid}&userId=${userId}&chargPileId=${terminalNum}`; wx.redirectTo({ url }); } else if (data && data.code == 501) { //开启充电失败,提示用户 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '余额不足,请充值!', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败data.code=501余额不足]', data); } else if (data && data.code == 502) { //开启充电失败,提示用户 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: data.message, confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败data.code=502' + data.message + ']', data); } else if (data && data.code == 503) { //开启充电失败,提示用户 let msg = res?.data?.message wx.showModal({ title: '提示', showCancel: true, content: msg, cancelText:'其他车辆', confirmText:'继续启动', confirmColor:'#00AADD', cancelColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res) { if (res.cancel) { //点击取消,其他车辆 } else { //点击确定,继续启动 that.beginCharge_satrt(plateNumber,runTimes + 1) } }, fail: function (res) { },//接口调用失败的回调函数 complete: function (res) { },//接口调用结束的回调函数(调用成功、失败都会执行) }); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败data.code=502' + data.message + ']', data); } else { //开启充电失败,提示用户 let msg = res?.data?.message msg = msg?msg:'开启充电失败' wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: msg, confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); log.info('[扫码]', '[开始充电]', '[失败]', data); } } }); }, previewImage(e){ let cur = e.target.dataset.src;//获取本地一张图片链接 console.info(cur) wx.previewImage({ current: cur, //字符串,默认显示urls的第一张 urls: [cur] // 数组,需要预览的图片链接列表 }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { let car = wx.getStorageSync('chooseCar_plateNumber') let plateNumber = '' if(car){ plateNumber = car.plateNumber; wx.removeStorageSync('chooseCar_plateNumber') } this.setData({ plateNumber }) console.info('将会自动跳过弹窗,默认车牌号:' + plateNumber) if(car){ this.beginChargeInner(this,plateNumber) } }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { } })