let log = require('../../utils/log.js'); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { name:'', address:'', offlineServicecall:'', stationTagList:[], chargprice: '', serviceprice: '', chargid: '', sumprice: '', fastFree:0, slowFree:0, fastSum:0, slowSum:0, pagesize:30, pagenum:1, ele_pagenum:1, total:-1, ele_total:-1, loadTotal: 0, dataLoading: false, ele_dataLoading: false, finishedLoadTap: 0, ele_finishedLoadTap: 0, finishedLoadShowTimes: 0, ele_finishedLoadShowTimes: 0, chargList: [], ele_chargList: [], seeInfoChargPile:{}, userInfo:{}, chargfeatureList:[], isLogin: false, resultTable: [], // 是否减免停车费 carParkingRate: false, // 停车时间 parkTime: 0, activeTab: '0', }, execParking(that,stationId){ wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carParkingRate?stationId=' + stationId, // data: { // loginName: userInfo.loginName // }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { // 是否减免停车费 // carParkingRate: false, // parkTime: 0, console.info(res) let reduceTime = res.data?.reduceTime; if(!reduceTime){ that.setData({ carParkingRate:false }) return; } that.setData({ carParkingRate:true }) try{ that.setData({ parkTime: parseFloat((reduceTime/ 3600).toFixed(2)) }) }catch(e){ that.setData({ carParkingRate:false }) } }, fail(e) { console.log("用户数据同步失败"); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e); } }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function(e) { let that = this; let stationTagList = []; let offlineServicecall =""; wx.getStorage({ key: 'index_seeInfo_chargpile', success: function (res) { console.info(res) var seeInfoChargPile = res.data; stationTagList = seeInfoChargPile.stationTagList offlineServicecall = seeInfoChargPile.offlineServicecall that.setData({ stationTagList, offlineServicecall, }) console.info(stationTagList) // 异步更新 console.info(seeInfoChargPile.chargStationId) that.execParking(that,seeInfoChargPile.chargStationId) let resultTable = seeInfoChargPile.resultList that.setData({ resultTable }) that.setData({ resultTable }) let chargfeatureList; if(seeInfoChargPile.chargfeatures){ chargfeatureList = seeInfoChargPile.chargfeatures.split(',') }else{ chargfeatureList = []; } seeInfoChargPile.sharpTotalPrice = parseFloat((seeInfoChargPile.sharpChargPrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.sharpServicePrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.sharpChargPrice=='暂无费用' || seeInfoChargPile.sharpServicePrice=='暂无费用')? null:(seeInfoChargPile.sharpChargPrice + seeInfoChargPile.sharpServicePrice).toFixed(6)); seeInfoChargPile.peakTotalPrice = parseFloat((seeInfoChargPile.peakChargPrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.peakServicePrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.peakChargPrice=='暂无费用' || seeInfoChargPile.peakServicePrice=='暂无费用' )? null:(seeInfoChargPile.peakChargPrice + seeInfoChargPile.peakServicePrice).toFixed(6)); seeInfoChargPile.flatTotalPrice = parseFloat((seeInfoChargPile.flatChargPrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.flatServicePrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.flatChargPrice=='暂无费用' || seeInfoChargPile.flatServicePrice=='暂无费用' )? null:(seeInfoChargPile.flatChargPrice + seeInfoChargPile.flatServicePrice).toFixed(6)); seeInfoChargPile.valleyTotalPrice = parseFloat((seeInfoChargPile.valleyChargPrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.valleyServicePrice==null || seeInfoChargPile.valleyChargPrice=='暂无费用' || seeInfoChargPile.valleyServicePrice=='暂无费用' )? null:(seeInfoChargPile.valleyChargPrice + seeInfoChargPile.valleyServicePrice).toFixed(6)); seeInfoChargPile.totalprice = parseFloat((seeInfoChargPile.chargprice==null || seeInfoChargPile.serviceprice==null || seeInfoChargPile.chargprice=='暂无费用' || seeInfoChargPile.serviceprice=='暂无费用')? null:(seeInfoChargPile.chargprice + seeInfoChargPile.serviceprice).toFixed(6)); that.setData({ seeInfoChargPile, chargfeatureList }); console.info(seeInfoChargPile) console.info(chargfeatureList) wx.removeStorage({ key: 'index_seeInfo_chargpile', success(res) { } }); } }); let { name, address, chargprice, serviceprice, chargid } = e; name = name=='null'?null:name; address = address=='null'?null:address; // stationTagList = !stationTagList?null:stationTagList; chargprice = chargprice=='null'?null:chargprice; serviceprice = serviceprice=='null'?null:serviceprice; chargid = chargid=='null'?null:chargid; // let sumprice = (chargprice==null || serviceprice==null)? null:chargprice+serviceprice; let sumprice = (chargprice==null || serviceprice==null)? null:chargprice+serviceprice; this.setData({ name, address, // stationTagList, chargprice, serviceprice, chargid, sumprice }); this.ori_getPage(); this.ele_getPage(); }, previewImage(e){ var that = this, //获取当前图片的下表 index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index, //数据源 pictures = this.data.chargfeatureList; wx.previewImage({ //当前显示下表 current: pictures[index], //数据源 urls: pictures }) }, getPage(){ let that = this; if(that.activeTab=='1'){ that.ori_getPage(); }else{ that.ele_getPage(); } }, ori_getPage(){ // ivType // 是否为无人车充电站(0否;1是) // 0:桩 // 1:电池 if(this.data.chargList.length == this.data.total){ this.setData({ finishedLoadTap:this.data.finishedLoadTap+1 }) if(this.data.finishedLoadTap>0 && this.data.finishedLoadShowTimes==0){ this.setData({ finishedLoadShowTimes:this.data.finishedLoadShowTimes+1 }) wx.showToast({ title: '全部加载完毕', icon: 'success', duration: 2000 }) } return } if(this.data.dataLoading){ return } this.setData({ dataLoading: true }) wx.showLoading({ title: '数据加载中....', }) let that = this; // 充电桩 wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/chargInfo', data: { id: that.data.chargid, pagenum: this.data.pagenum++, ivType: 0, pagesize: 30, }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.log(res); let chargList = res.data.chargList.rows; chargList.forEach(key => { let chargstatusname = ''; let chargstatusclass = ''; if(key.chargstatus == 2){ chargstatusname='空闲中' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_kxz' }else if(key.chargstatus == 11){ chargstatusname='已插枪' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_ycq' }else if(key.chargstatus == 3 || key.chargstatus == 10){ chargstatusname='充电中' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_cdz' }else if(key.chargstatus == 0){ chargstatusname='离线' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_lx' }else{ chargstatusname='故障' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_gz' } key.chargstatusname = chargstatusname; key.chargstatusclass = chargstatusclass; }) console.log(chargList); // that.rechargeTimeOrder(chargemoneylogs); wx.hideLoading() that.setData({ chargList: that.data.chargList.concat(chargList), total: res.data.chargList.total, dataLoading: false, fastFree : res.data.fastFree, slowFree : res.data.slowFree, fastSum : res.data.fastSum, slowSum : res.data.slowSum }); } }); }, ele_getPage(){ // ivType // 是否为无人车充电站(0否;1是) // 0:桩 // 1:电池 if(this.data.ele_chargList.length == this.data.ele_total){ this.setData({ ele_finishedLoadTap:this.data.ele_finishedLoadTap+1 }) if(this.data.ele_finishedLoadTap>0 && this.data.ele_finishedLoadShowTimes==0){ this.setData({ ele_finishedLoadShowTimes:this.data.ele_finishedLoadShowTimes+1 }) wx.showToast({ title: '全部加载完毕', icon: 'success', duration: 2000 }) } return } if(this.data.ele_dataLoading){ return } this.setData({ ele_dataLoading: true }) wx.showLoading({ title: '数据加载中....', }) let that = this; // 充电桩 wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/chargInfo', data: { id: that.data.chargid, pagenum: this.data.ele_pagenum++, ivType: 1, pagesize: 30, }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.log(res); let chargList = res.data.chargList.rows; chargList.forEach(key => { let chargstatusname = ''; let chargstatusclass = ''; if(key.chargstatus == 2){ chargstatusname='空闲中' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_kxz' }else if(key.chargstatus == 11){ chargstatusname='已插枪' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_ycq' }else if(key.chargstatus == 3 || key.chargstatus == 10){ chargstatusname='充电中' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_cdz' }else if(key.chargstatus == 0){ chargstatusname='离线' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_lx' }else{ chargstatusname='故障' chargstatusclass = 'chargstatus_gz' } key.chargstatusname = chargstatusname; key.chargstatusclass = chargstatusclass; }) console.log(chargList); // that.rechargeTimeOrder(chargemoneylogs); wx.hideLoading() that.setData({ ele_chargList: that.data.ele_chargList.concat(chargList), ele_total: res.data.chargList.total, ele_dataLoading: false, ele_fastFree : res.data.fastFree, ele_slowFree : res.data.slowFree, ele_fastSum : res.data.fastSum, ele_slowSum : res.data.slowSum }); } }); }, goEleCarMap(e){ console.info("呼叫充电车"); let that = this; wx.$bus.emit('eleCarMapPage', { chargid: that.data.chargid }) let url = '/pages/charginfo/eleCarMap'; wx.navigateTo({ url }); }, goScanResult(e){ // scan_result console.info('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx') let { keywords } = e.currentTarget.dataset; let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); let chargid = keywords.chargPileId; let that = this; if(isLogin && userInfo.bindingPhone==0){ console.info('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1') wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前账户未绑定手机号,请您进行手机号绑定操作', showCancel:false, confirmText: '去绑定', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res1) { let url = `/pages/bindPhone/bindPhone`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } }); return; } wx.showLoading({ title: '努力加载中...', }) if (!isLogin) { console.info('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx2') log.info('[首页]', '[未登陆跳转登录界面]'); let url = `/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login`; wx.hideLoading(); wx.navigateTo({ url }); // return; } else { log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未支付订单]', '[请求]', { userId: userInfo.userId }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/wechatsettlement', data: { userId: userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { let { data } = res; let { result: order } = data; log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未支付订单]', '[响应]', data); if (data && order && data.code == 200) { wx.hideLoading(); log.info('[首页]', '[用户有未支付订单跳转订单支付界面]'); wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '你有未支付的订单,请先支付', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res) { //console.log(res); if (!res.cancel) { //点击确定 let url = `/pages/order/order?orderid=${order.orderid}&userId=${order.userId}&chargPileId=${order.chargPileId}`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } } }); //console.log(that.data.result); } else { //console.log('无订单'); log.info('[首页]', '[用户无未支付订单]'); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/chargPile', // data: scanResult, data: { chargPileId: chargid, userId: userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.log(chargid); log.info('[首页]', '[获取扫一扫充电桩]', '[响应]', res.data); if (!res.data || res.data.code == 500) { that.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); //没有该充电桩信息 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, confirmColor:'#00AADD', content: res && res.data && res.data.msg ? res.data.msg :'无效的终端编号' }); } else { res.data = res.data.result //充电状态0:离线、1:故障、2:空闲中、3:充电中、4:欠压故障、5:过压故障、6:过电流故障、8:预约、9:在线升级、10:操作中、11:已插枪等 if (!res.data.chargstatus || res.data.chargstatus == 0 || res.data.chargstatus == 1 || res.data.chargstatus == 4 || res.data.chargstatus == 5 || res.data.chargstatus == 6 || res.data.chargstatus == 9) { //充电桩故障 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '终端故障,维修中', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 3 || res.data.chargstatus == 8 || res.data.chargstatus == 10) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '正在充电中', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 2 || res.data.chargstatus == 11) { wx.setStorage({ key: "scan_chargpile", data: res.data }); log.info('[首页]', '[扫一扫充电桩空闲跳转去充电界面]'); let url = `/pages/scan_result/scan_result`; wx.hideLoading(); wx.navigateTo({ url }); } wx.hideLoading(); } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } }, fail(e) { that.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } }, seeReservation: function(e){ let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); let that = this; if(isLogin && userInfo.bindingPhone==0){ console.info('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx1') wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前账户未绑定手机号,请您进行手机号绑定操作', showCancel:false, confirmText: '去绑定', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res1) { let url = `/pages/bindPhone/bindPhone`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } }); return; } if (!isLogin) { console.info('xxxxxxxxxxxxxx2') log.info('[首页]', '[未登陆跳转登录界面]'); let url = `/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login`; wx.hideLoading(); wx.navigateTo({ url }); return; } let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; console.info(idx) let { chargStationId, chargPileName, chargPileId, chargStationName, id } = idx; let userId = userInfo.userId; let url = `/pages/reservation/reservation?chargStationId=` + chargStationId + `&chargPileName=` + chargPileName + `&chargPileId=` + chargPileId + `&chargPileIdId=` + id + "&chargStationName=" + chargStationName + "&userId=" + userId; wx.navigateTo({ url }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function(e) { let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); //console.log(userInfo); // 页面显示 if (userInfo && isLogin) { //userInfo.flag = true; this.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isLogin: isLogin }); } else { //未登录信息 this.setData({ userInfo: {} }); } }, chargingLog(e){ let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; let chargPileId = idx.chargPileId; console.info(chargPileId); let url = '/pages/ucenter/charginglog/opsCharginglog?chargPileId=' + chargPileId wx.navigateTo({ url }); return; }, callphone(){ let that = this let phonenum = that.data.offlineServicecall; wx.makePhoneCall({ phoneNumber: that.data.offlineServicecall, //此号码并非真实电话号码,仅用于测试 success:function(){ console.log("拨打电话成功!" + phonenum) }, fail:function(){ console.log("拨打电话失败!" + phonenum) } }) }, toggleTabs(e){ let idx = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; this.setData({ activeTab: idx }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function() { }, bindScrollTolowerEvent: function(){ this.getPage(); }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function() { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function() { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function() { } })