//index.js //获取应用实例 let app = getApp(); let wechat = require("../../utils/wechat"); let amap = require("../../utils/amap"); let Util = require("../../utils/util"); let log = require('../../utils/log.js'); let wxpro = require('../../utils/wx-promise-pro.js'); let mapregionchange_makertap = false; wxpro.promisifyAll() // wxpro.promisify(wx.getSystemInfo)().then(console.log) for (var variable in wx) { if (wx.hasOwnProperty(variable)) { wx.pro[variable] = wxpro.promisify(wx[variable]) } } Page({ data: { scanFlag:false, markers: [], latitude: 39.9088120620532, longitude: 116.39747668717192, user_lat: 39.9088120620532, user_lon: 116.39747668717192, textData: null, city: null, markerId: null, keywords: "搜索充电桩", userInfo: {}, isLogin: false, myChargeStationsIds: '', distanceinfo: [ // { // value: 1000, // text: '1km' // }, { // value: 2000, // text: '2km' // }, { // value: 5000, // text: '5km' // }, { value: 10000, text: '10km' }, // { // value: 20000, // text: '20km' // }, { value: 50000, text: '50km' }, { value: 100000, text: '100km' }], distanceinfoindex: 0, polygon: [{ points: [{ latitude: 31, longitude: 131 }, { latitude: 31, longitude: 131.1 }, { latitude: 31.1, longitude: 131.1 }, , { latitude: 31.1, longitude: 131 }] }], showModal: false, notice: null, carParkingRate: false, showPrivacy:false, occupyFeeOrderList:[], load:-1 }, howtouse(){ wx.navigateTo({ url:'/pages/howtouse/howtouse' }); }, wxScan(q) { //console.log(decodeURIComponent(e.q)); let charePileId = decodeURIComponent(q).replace("https://cdgl.pjnes.com/", ""); log.info('[首页]', '[微信扫一扫]', { 'q': q }); if(!charePileId){ charePileId = "0" } if (charePileId) { let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { return; } if (!isLogin) { log.info('[首页]', '[未登陆跳转登录界面]'); let url = `/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); return; } else { log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未完成订单]', '[请求]', { userId: userInfo.userId }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/wechatchargstatus', data: { userId: userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { let { data } = res; log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未完成订单]', '[响应]', data); if (data && data.code == 200) { log.info('[首页]', '[有未完成订单跳充电界面]'); //onShow会跳转 } else { //console.log('无订单'); log.info('[首页]', '[用户无未完成订单]'); log.info('[首页]', '[获取微信扫一扫充电桩]', '[请求]', charePileId); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/chargPile', // data: charePileId, data:{ chargPileId:charePileId, userId: userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { //console.log(res.data); log.info('[首页]', '[获取微信扫一扫充电桩]', '[响应]', res.data); if (!res.data || res.data.code == 500) { //没有该充电桩信息 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: res && res.data && res.data.msg ? res.data.msg :'无效的终端编号', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else { res.data = res.data.result //充电状态0:离线、1:故障、2:空闲中、3:充电中、4:欠压故障、5:过压故障、6:过电流故障、8:预约、9:在线升级、10:操作中、11:已插枪等 if (!res.data.chargstatus || res.data.chargstatus == 0 || res.data.chargstatus == 1 || res.data.chargstatus == 4 || res.data.chargstatus == 5 || res.data.chargstatus == 6 || res.data.chargstatus == 9) { //充电桩故障 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '终端故障,维修中', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 3 || res.data.chargstatus == 8 || res.data.chargstatus == 10) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '正在充电中', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 2 || res.data.chargstatus == 11) { wx.setStorage({ key: "scan_chargpile", data: res.data }); log.info('[首页]', '[微信扫一扫充电桩空闲跳转去充电界面]'); let url = `/pages/scan_result/scan_result`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } } }, resetchargStations(data){ let that = this // 刷新 stationTag) for(let i=0;i{ item["sumPrice"] = that.resetResultListSumPrice(item); if(!item.elecPrice && item.elecPrice!=0){ item["elecPrice"] = '暂无费用' } if(!item.servicePrice && item.servicePrice!=0){ item["servicePrice"] = '暂无费用' } }) }, resetResultListSumPrice(item){ if(!item.elecPrice && item.elecPrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } if(!item.servicePrice && item.servicePrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } return parseFloat((item.elecPrice + item.servicePrice).toFixed(6)) }, onLoad(e) { // 隐私开始 wx.getPrivacySetting({ success: res => { console.log(res) // 返回结果为: res = { needAuthorization: true/false, privacyContractName: '《xxx隐私保护指引》' } if (res.needAuthorization) { // 需要弹出隐私协议 this.setData({ showPrivacy: true }) } else { // 用户已经同意过隐私协议,所以不需要再弹出隐私协议,也能调用已声明过的隐私接口 // wx.getUserProfile() // wx.chooseMedia() // wx.getClipboardData() // wx.startRecord() } }, fail: () => {}, complete: () => {} }) // 隐私结束 this.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); if (e.q) { //console.log(decodeURIComponent(e.q)); //let charePileId = decodeURIComponent(e.q).replace("https://cdgl.pjnes.com/", ""); //console.log(charePileId); //if (charePileId){ //} let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); // userInfo.flag=true; this.setData({ userInfo, isLogin }); this.click_scan_control(e.q,false); // this.wxScan(e.q); } log.info('[首页]', '[加载完成]'); amap.getRegeo(function () { var fail = function (obj) { wx.showModal({ title: '请求失败', content: obj.errMsg, confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } }) .then(d => { //console.log(d); let { latitude, longitude, latitude: user_lat, longitude: user_lon } = d[0]; //console.log(d[0].regeocodeData.addressComponent); var { city } = d[0].regeocodeData.addressComponent; if (d[0].regeocodeData.addressComponent.city.length == 0) { var { province: city } = d[0].regeocodeData.addressComponent; } let that = this; let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); // userInfo.flag=true; this.setData({ city, latitude, longitude, user_lat, user_lon, userInfo, isLogin }); //开始请求充电站信息 var chargStationType; if (!userInfo.flag) { //用户是普通用户 chargStationType = '2'; } wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/chargStations', data: { lon: longitude, lat: latitude, distance: that.data.distanceinfo[that.data.distanceinfoindex].value, chargStationType }, method: 'POST', success(res) { //userInfo.flag = true; that.resetchargStations(res.data) if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/userChargStations', data: { userId: userInfo.userId, lat: latitude, lon: longitude }, method: 'POST', success(res1) { var myChargeStationsIds = ''; res1.data.forEach((item, index) => { myChargeStationsIds += item.id + ","; }); //console.log(myChargeStationsIds); let { data } = res; let markers = []; data.forEach((item, index) => { //item.callout = { // content: item.name, //文本 String 1.2.0 // display: 'BYCLICK', //'BYCLICK': 点击显示; 'ALWAYS': 常显 String 1.2.0 // textAlign: 'center' //文本对齐方式。有效值: left, right, center String 1.6.0 // }; var iconPath = "/images/marker.png"; if (myChargeStationsIds.indexOf(item.id + ',') != -1) { iconPath = "/images/marker1.png"; } if (item.breaknum && item.breaknum != 0) { iconPath = "/images/marker_b.png"; } /** * 运营状态 初始,待运营,运营中,暂停营业,关闭,未运营 * */ //private Long operationState; var marker = { name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", chargfeatures: item.chargfeatures , iconPath: iconPath, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(that.data.user_lat, that.data.user_lon, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice, /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; markers[index] = marker; }); that.setData({ markers, myChargeStationsIds }); }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } else { let { data } = res; let markers = []; if(data){ data.forEach((item, index) => { //item.callout = { // content: item.name, //文本 String 1.2.0 // display: 'BYCLICK', //'BYCLICK': 点击显示; 'ALWAYS': 常显 String 1.2.0 // textAlign: 'center' //文本对齐方式。有效值: left, right, center String 1.6.0 // }; var iconPath = "/images/marker.png"; //撤销普通用户显示异常站 //if (item.breaknum && item.breaknum != 0) { // iconPath = "/images/marker_b.png"; //} //撤销结束 var marker = { name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", chargfeatures: item.chargfeatures , iconPath: iconPath, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(that.data.user_lat, that.data.user_lon, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice, /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, sharpChargPrice : item.sharpChargPrice, sharpServicePrice : item.sharpServicePrice, peakChargPrice : item.peakChargPrice, peakServicePrice : item.peakServicePrice, flatChargPrice : item.flatChargPrice, flatServicePrice : item.flatServicePrice, valleyChargPrice : item.valleyChargPrice, valleyServicePrice : item.valleyServicePrice, resultList: item.resultList, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; markers[index] = marker; }); } that.setData({ markers }); } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); }); let that = this; let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); //console.log(userInfo); if (isLogin) { wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/lastNotice', data: { loginName: userInfo.loginName }, method: 'POST', success(res) { //console.log(res); //res.data = { noticeTitle: '派捷充电例行维护通知', noticeContent:'nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好nihao你好'}; if (res.data) { that.setData({ showModal: true, notice: res.data }); } else { that.setData({ showModal: false, notice: null }); } }, fail(e) { //console.log(e); that.setData({ showModal: false, notice: null }); getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); // this.queryParkOrder(3).then(res=>{ // console.log("查询未支付成功",res); // if (res.total > 0) { // wx.showModal({ // showCancel: false, // confirmText: '去支付', // content: '您有未支付的占位费订单,请先支付', // confirmColor:'#00AADD', // success: function (res) { // if (!res.cancel) { // console.log("res",res); // //点击确定 // let url = `/pages/ucenter/zhanw/zhanw`; // wx.navigateTo({ // url // }) // return; // } // } // }); // } // }) // // 查询占位中订单 // this.queryParkOrder(2).then(res=>{ // // console.log("我被调用了"); // if (res.total > 0) { // 有占位费订单不启动扫码充电 // this.setData({ // showPopup:true // }) // return; // } // }); } }, //跳转个人中心 bindUserAvatarUrl() { let url = `/pages/ucenter/index/index`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); }, //搜索 bindInput() { var { user_lat: latitude, user_lon: longitude, city } = this.data; //console.log(this.data.city); let url = `/pages/inputtip/inputtip?city=${city}&lonlat=${longitude},${latitude}`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); }, //单击地图mark makertap(e) { mapregionchange_makertap = true; //console.log(e); let { markerId } = e.detail; // console.log({ // e // }); let { markers } = this.data; //撤销普通用户显示异常站 let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); let showBadMark = false; if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { showBadMark = true; } //撤销结束 markers.forEach((item, index) => { item.iconPath = "/images/marker.png"; if (this.data.myChargeStationsIds.indexOf(item.id + ',') != -1) { item.iconPath = "/images/marker1.png"; } //撤销普通用户显示异常站 if (showBadMark) { //撤销结束 if (item.breaknum && item.breaknum != 0) { item.iconPath = "/images/marker_b.png"; } //撤销普通用户显示异常站 } //撤销结束 if (item.id == markerId) { item.iconPath = "/images/marker_checked.png"; this.showMarkerInfo(item); } }); this.setData({ markers, markerId }); }, //将mark呈现在地图中心点,并弹出详细信息框 showMarkerInfo(data) { let that = this let { latitude, longitude } = data; this.setData({ textData: data, latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude }) console.info(data) // 查询是否需要显示 that.execParking(that,data.id) }, execParking(that,stationId){ wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carParkingRate?stationId=' + stationId, // data: { // loginName: userInfo.loginName // }, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { // 是否减免停车费 // carParkingRate: false, // parkTime: 0, console.info(res) let reduceTime = res.data?.reduceTime; if(!reduceTime){ that.setData({ carParkingRate:false }) return; } that.setData({ carParkingRate:true }) try{ that.setData({ parkTime: parseFloat((reduceTime/ 3600).toFixed(2)) }) }catch(e){ that.setData({ carParkingRate:false }) } }, fail(e) { console.log("用户数据同步失败"); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e); } }); }, //改变选中mark的颜色 changeMarkerColor(markerId) { let { markers } = this.data; //撤销普通用户显示异常站 let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); let showBadMark = false; if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { showBadMark = true; } //撤销结束 markers.forEach((item, index) => { item.iconPath = "/images/marker.png"; if (this.data.myChargeStationsIds.indexOf(item.id + ',') != -1) { item.iconPath = "/images/marker1.png"; } //撤销普通用户显示异常站 if (showBadMark) { //撤销结束 if (item.breaknum && item.breaknum != 0) { item.iconPath = "/images/marker_b.png"; } //撤销普通用户显示异常站 } //撤销结束 if (item.id == markerId) { item.iconPath = "/images/marker_checked.png"; } }) this.setData({ markers, markerId }); }, seeInfo(e){ console.log("11111"); // 起点 let { user_lat: latitude, user_lon: longitude, markers, markerId, city, textData } = this.data; let { name, address, chargprice, serviceprice, brandName } = textData; console.log("222222"); console.log(markers); if (!markers.length) return; console.log("3333333"); // 终点 markers.forEach((item, index) => { if (markerId && markerId == item.id) { let that = this item.resultList.forEach(item=>{ item["sumPrice"] = that.resetResultListSumPrice(item) item.elecPrice = item.elecPrice.toFixed(8).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") item.servicePrice = item.servicePrice.toFixed(8).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") }) let { name: latitude2, longitude: longitude2 } = item; wx.setStorage({ key: "index_seeInfo_chargpile", data: item }); let url = `/pages/charginfo/charginfo?name=${name}&address=${address}&chargprice=${chargprice}&serviceprice=${serviceprice}&chargid=${markerId}&brandName=${brandName}`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } }); }, resetResultListSumPrice(item){ if(!item.elecPrice && item.elecPrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } if(!item.servicePrice && item.servicePrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } return (Number(item.elecPrice || 0) + Number(item.servicePrice || 0)) .toFixed(8) .replace(/\.?0+$/, ""); }, //导航 getRoute(e) { //console.log(e); // 起点 let { user_lat: latitude, user_lon: longitude, markers, markerId, city, textData } = this.data; let { name, address } = textData; if (!markers.length) return; // 终点 markers.forEach((item, index) => { if (markerId && markerId == item.id) { let { latitude: latitude2, longitude: longitude2 } = item; let url = `/pages/routes/routes?longitude=${longitude}&latitude=${latitude}&longitude2=${longitude2}&latitude2=${latitude2}&city=${city}&name=${name}&desc=${address}`; //console.log(url); wx.navigateTo({ url }); } }); return; }, //回到当前位置 click_location_control(e) { //console.log("回到用户当前定位点"); // let { // controlId // } = e; let mpCtx = wx.createMapContext("map"); mpCtx.moveToLocation(); }, //打开扫一扫 click_scan_control_outer(){ this.click_scan_control("",true) }, async click_scan_control(scanResult,inner) { if (this.data.isLogin) { this.queryParkOrder(3).then(res=>{ console.log("查询未支付成功",res); if (res.total > 0) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, confirmText: '去支付', content: '您有未支付的占位费订单,请先支付', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res) { if (!res.cancel) { //点击确定 let url = `/pages/ucenter/zhanw/zhanw`; wx.navigateTo({ url }) } } }); } }) const result = await this.queryParkOrder(2); if (result.total > 0) { // 有占位费订单不启动扫码充电 this.setData({ showPopup:true }) return; } } if(this.data.scanFlag){ return; } this.data.scanFlag = true; wx.showLoading({ title: '努力加载中...', }) console.log("打开扫一扫"); log.info('[首页]', '[打开扫一扫]'); let that = this; if (!this.data.isLogin) { log.info('[首页]', '[未登陆跳转登录界面]'); let url = `/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login`; that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); wx.navigateTo({ url }); return; } else { if (this.data.userInfo.flag) {// 运维人员不作操作,直接返回首页 wx.hideLoading(); return false; } if(!this.phoneCheck()){ return; } log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未支付订单]', '[请求]', { userId: this.data.userInfo.userId }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/wechatsettlement', data: { userId: this.data.userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { let { data } = res; let { result: order } = data; log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未支付订单]', '[响应]', data); if (data && order && data.code == 200) { that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); log.info('[首页]', '[用户有未支付订单跳转订单支付界面]'); wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '你有未支付的订单,请先支付', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res) { //console.log(res); if (!res.cancel) { //点击确定 let url = `/pages/order/order?orderid=${order.orderid}&userId=${order.userId}&chargPileId=${order.chargPileId}`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } } }); //console.log(that.data.result); } else { //console.log('无订单'); log.info('[首页]', '[用户无未支付订单]'); //console.log("打开扫一扫"); if(inner){ wx.pro.scanCode().then(d=>{ that.afterScanCode(d,that,inner) }).catch(e=>{ that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); }); }else{ that.afterScanCode(scanResult,that,inner) } } }, fail(e) { that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } }, afterScanCode(d,that,inner){ let scanResult = "" if(inner){ //console.log("完成扫一扫"); //console.log(d); //兼容标准格式hlht://202001022222220101.330414214二维码 scanResult = d.result; if((!scanResult) || scanResult == ""){ scanResult="*" } }else{ scanResult = decodeURIComponent(d) //console.log(charePileId); log.info('[首页]', '[微信扫一扫]', { 'd': d }); if(!scanResult){ scanResult = "0" } } // 是否电池包 let batteryFlag = false; if (scanResult.startsWith("tkd")){ scanResult = scanResult.substring(3); batteryFlag = true } if (scanResult.startsWith("hlht://") || scanResult.startsWith("HLHT://")){ scanResult = scanResult.substring(7, scanResult.indexOf(".")); } scanResult = scanResult.replace("https://cdgl.pjnes.com/", ""); scanResult = scanResult.replace("https://cdglyy.pjnes.com/", ""); console.log('扫描到的内容: [' + scanResult + '] , 是否内部按钮:' + inner) log.info('[首页]', '[用户完成扫一扫]', scanResult); log.info('[首页]', '[获取扫一扫充电桩]', '[请求]', scanResult); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/' + (batteryFlag? 'chargBattery' : 'chargPile'), // data: scanResult, data: { chargPileId:scanResult, userId: that.data.userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.log( res.data); log.info('[首页]', '[获取扫一扫充电桩]', '[响应]', res.data); if (!res.data || res.data.code == 500) { that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); //没有该充电桩信息 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: res && res.data && res.data.msg ? res.data.msg :'无效的终端编号', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else { res.data = res.data.result // 拨乱反正, 将电池包的逻辑强行合并 if(batteryFlag){ // 0空闲 let status = res.data.parkStatus if(status == 1){ wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '当前停靠点占用', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); }else if(status == 0){ wx.hideLoading(); that.data.scanFlag = false; // 判断电池包 if(res?.data?.chargPileList?.length==0 || !res?.data?.chargPileList){ wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '暂无可用电池包', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); return; } wx.setStorage({ key: "elpackage", data: res.data }); let url = `/pages/scan_result/elpackage`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); }else{ wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '未知错误,电池包返回状态码异常:' + res.data.parkStatus, confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); return; } //SZP // park_status //充电状态0:离线、1:故障、2:空闲中、3:充电中、4:欠压故障、5:过压故障、6:过电流故障、8:预约、9:在线升级、10:操作中、11:已插枪等 if (!res.data.chargstatus || res.data.chargstatus == 0 || res.data.chargstatus == 1 || res.data.chargstatus == 4 || res.data.chargstatus == 5 || res.data.chargstatus == 6 || res.data.chargstatus == 9) { //充电桩故障 wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '终端故障,维修中', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 3 || res.data.chargstatus == 8 || res.data.chargstatus == 10) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: '正在充电中', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); } else if (res.data.chargstatus == 2 || res.data.chargstatus == 11) { wx.setStorage({ key: "scan_chargpile", data: res.data }); log.info('[首页]', '[扫一扫充电桩空闲跳转去充电界面]'); let url = `/pages/scan_result/scan_result?chargPileId=${scanResult}`; that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); wx.navigateTo({ url }); } that.data.scanFlag = false; wx.hideLoading(); } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); }, //地图位移 mapchange(e) { if (e.type == 'end') { if (!mapregionchange_makertap) { //console.log("移动地图"); let that = this; let wMap = wx.createMapContext('map'); wMap.getCenterLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success: function (res) { let { latitude, longitude } = res; let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); var chargStationType; if (!userInfo.flag) { //用户是普通用户 chargStationType = '2'; } wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/chargStations', data: { lon: longitude, lat: latitude, distance: that.data.distanceinfo[that.data.distanceinfoindex].value, chargStationType }, method: 'POST', success(res) { that.resetchargStations(res.data) let { data } = res; let markers = []; var flag = false; if(data){ data.forEach((item, index) => { var iconPath; if (that.data.markerId && that.data.markerId == item.id) { iconPath = "/images/marker_checked.png"; flag = true; } else { iconPath = "/images/marker.png"; if (that.data.myChargeStationsIds.indexOf(item.id + ',') != -1) { iconPath = "/images/marker1.png"; } //撤销普通用户显示异常站 if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { //撤销结束 if (item.breaknum && item.breaknum != 0) { iconPath = "/images/marker_b.png"; } //撤销普通用户显示异常站 } //撤销结束 } //console.log(Util.distance(that.data.user_lat, that.data.user_lon, item.lat, item.lon)); var marker = { brandName:item.brandName, name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", chargfeatures: item.chargfeatures , iconPath: iconPath, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(that.data.user_lat, that.data.user_lon, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice, /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, sharpChargPrice : item.sharpChargPrice, sharpServicePrice : item.sharpServicePrice, peakChargPrice : item.peakChargPrice, peakServicePrice : item.peakServicePrice, flatChargPrice : item.flatChargPrice, flatServicePrice : item.flatServicePrice, valleyChargPrice : item.valleyChargPrice, valleyServicePrice : item.valleyServicePrice, resultList: item.resultList, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; markers[index] = marker; }); } if (!flag) { that.setData({ textData: null, markerId: null, }); } that.setData({ markers: markers }); }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); } }); } else { //点击marker的情况下 //console.log("点击marker"); mapregionchange_makertap = false; } } }, phoneCheck(){ if (this.data.userInfo.bindingPhone==0) { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '当前账户未绑定手机号,请您进行手机号绑定操作', showCancel:false, confirmText: '去绑定', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res1) { let url = `/pages/bindPhone/bindPhone`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } }) return false; }else{ return true; } }, // 根据状态查询占位费订单 queryParkOrder(status) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let that = this; wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/queryOccupyFeeOrder', data: { userId: wx.getStorageSync('userInfo').userId, searchIndex: status, pagenum: that.data.pagenum++, pagesize: 10, }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.log('请求成功,处理数据'); if(res.data.code==200){ if (res.data.result.total > 0) { resolve(res.data.result); } }else{ resolve(res.data); } }, fail(err) { console.error('请求失败', err); reject(err); } }); }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { // 处理页面跳转回来导致费率字段类型为字符串,处理为数值类型避免报错 let that = this; for (let i = 0; i < that.data.markers.length; i++) { let marker = that.data.markers[i]; // 直接获取 marker,减少 that.data 访问 let resultList = marker.resultList; if (!resultList) continue; for (let j = 0; j < resultList.length; j++) { let item = resultList[j]; if (item.elecPrice === '暂无费用') { item.chargprice = '暂无费用'; } else { item.elecPrice = parseFloat(parseFloat(item.elecPrice).toFixed(8).replace(/\.?0+$/, "")); } if (item.servicePrice === '暂无费用') { item.servicePrice = '暂无费用'; } else { item.servicePrice = parseFloat(parseFloat(item.servicePrice).toFixed(8).replace(/\.?0+$/, "")); } } marker.resultList = resultList; // 直接赋值给 marker } this.data.scanFlag = false; let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); // 页面显示 if (userInfo && isLogin) { //console.log(userInfo); //userInfo.flag = true; this.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isLogin: isLogin }); if ((!userInfo.userId && userInfo.userId != 0)){ log.info('[首页]', '[已登陆未有用户ID跳转登录界面]'); let url = `/pages/login/phone_login/phone_login`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); return; } // 查询订单 log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未完成订单]', '[请求]', { userId: userInfo.userId }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/pileLog/wechatchargstatus', data: { userId: userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { let { data } = res; log.info('[首页]', '[获取用户是否有未完成订单]', '[响应]', data); if (data && data.code == 200) { log.info('[首页]', '[有未完成订单跳充电界面]'); //获取用户正在充电的订单,并跳转到该页面 let url = `/pages/charging/charging?orderid=${data.result.orderid}&userId=${userInfo.userId}&chargPileId=${data.result.chargPileId}`; //let url = `/pages/charging/charging?userId=${userInfo.userId}`; wx.navigateTo({ url }); } else { //console.log(res); } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); // 查询呼叫电车 console.log("查询呼叫电车") wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/ivCarRequirement' + '?userId='+userInfo.userId, data: { }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.log(res?.data?.result?.requirementStep) // 0-7 进等待 8进终端详情 if(res?.data?.result?.requirementStep>=0 && res?.data?.result?.requirementStep<=7){ // 等待 let url = `/pages/batteryPack/batteryPackWait`; wx.reLaunch({ url }); }else if(res?.data?.result?.requirementStep==8){ // 8进终端详情 let url = `/pages/batteryPack/batteryPackWait`; wx.reLaunch({ url }); } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); this.queryParkOrder(3).then(res=>{ console.log("查询未支付成功",res); if (res.total > 0) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, confirmText: '去支付', content: '您有未支付的占位费订单,请先支付', confirmColor:'#00AADD', success: function (res) { if (!res.cancel) { console.log("res",res); //点击确定 let url = `/pages/ucenter/zhanw/zhanw`; wx.navigateTo({ url }) return; } } }); } }) // 查询占位中订单 this.queryParkOrder(2).then(res=>{ // 30s查询一次,动态返回数据 // console.log("我被调用了"); if (res.total > 0) { // 有占位费订单不启动扫码充电 this.setData({ showPopup:true }) return; } }); } else { //未登录信息 this.setData({ userInfo: {} }); } }, bindDistanceinfoChange: function (e) { let distance = this.data.distanceinfo[e.detail.value].value; this.setData({ distanceinfoindex: e.detail.value }); }, Sure: function () { this.setData({ showModal: false }); }, handleAgreePrivacyAuthorization() { console.info('3333333333333'); this.setData({ showPrivacy: false }) // 用户同意隐私协议事件回调 // 用户点击了同意,之后所有已声明过的隐私接口和组件都可以调用了 // wx.getUserProfile() // wx.chooseMedia() // wx.getClipboardData() // wx.startRecord() }, handleOpenPrivacyContract() { // 打开隐私协议页面 wx.openPrivacyContract({ success: () => {}, // 打开成功 fail: () => {}, // 打开失败 complete: () => {} }) } })