//index.js //获取应用实例 let app = getApp(); let wechat = require("../../utils/wechat"); let amap = require("../../utils/amap"); let Util = require('../../utils/util'); Page({ data: { markers: [], latitude: null, longitude: null, city: null, userInfo: {}, isLogin: false, myChargeStationsIds: '', moneyActive: false, distanceActive: true, myChargeStationsActive: false, distancePng: 'asc', keywords: null, moneyPng: '' }, resetchargStations(data){ let that = this for(let i=0;i{ item["sumPrice"] = that.resetResultListSumPrice(item); if(!item.elecPrice && item.elecPrice!=0){ item["elecPrice"] = '暂无费用' } if(!item.servicePrice && item.servicePrice!=0){ item["servicePrice"] = '暂无费用' } }) }, resetResultListSumPrice(item){ if(!item.elecPrice && item.elecPrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } if(!item.servicePrice && item.servicePrice!=0){ return '暂无费用' } return parseFloat((item.elecPrice + item.servicePrice).toFixed(6)) }, onLoad(e) { let { city, latitude, longitude, searchString } = e; console.log(city, latitude, longitude, searchString); this.setData({ city, latitude, longitude, keywords: searchString }); let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); // 页面显示 if (userInfo && isLogin) { //console.log(userInfo); //userInfo.flag = true; this.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isLogin: isLogin }); } else { //未登录信息 this.setData({ userInfo: {} }); } //开始请求充电站信息 let that = this; var chargStationType; if (!userInfo.flag) { //用户是普通用户 chargStationType = '2'; } wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/chargStationsSearch', data: { searchString, chargStationType }, method: 'POST', success(res) { that.resetchargStations(res.data) //userInfo.flag = true; if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/userChargStations', data: { userId: userInfo.userId, lat: latitude, lon: longitude }, method: 'POST', success(res1) { var myChargeStationsIds = ''; res1.data.forEach((item, index) => { myChargeStationsIds += item.id + ","; }); console.log(myChargeStationsIds); let { data } = res; let markers = []; data.forEach((item, index) => { var marker = { brandName:item.brandName, name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", iconPath: "/images/marker.png", chargfeatures:item.chargfeatures, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(latitude, longitude, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice.toFixed(8).replace(/\.?0+$/, ""), /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, sharpChargPrice : item.sharpChargPrice, sharpServicePrice : item.sharpServicePrice, peakChargPrice : item.peakChargPrice, peakServicePrice : item.peakServicePrice, flatChargPrice : item.flatChargPrice, flatServicePrice : item.flatServicePrice, valleyChargPrice : item.valleyChargPrice, valleyServicePrice : item.valleyServicePrice, resultList: item.resultList, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; if (myChargeStationsIds.indexOf(item.id + ',') != -1) { marker.userFlag = true; } else { marker.userFlag = false; } markers[index] = marker; }); markers.sort(function (ma, mb) { return ma.distance - mb.distance; }); that.setData({ markers, myChargeStationsIds }); console.log(markers); } }); } else { let { data } = res; let markers = []; data.forEach((item, index) => { var marker = { brandName:item.brandName, name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", iconPath: "/images/marker.png", chargfeatures:item.chargfeatures, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(latitude, longitude, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice.toFixed(8).replace(/\.?0+$/, ""), /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, sharpChargPrice : item.sharpChargPrice, sharpServicePrice : item.sharpServicePrice, peakChargPrice : item.peakChargPrice, peakServicePrice : item.peakServicePrice, flatChargPrice : item.flatChargPrice, flatServicePrice : item.flatServicePrice, valleyChargPrice : item.valleyChargPrice, valleyServicePrice : item.valleyServicePrice, resultList: item.resultList, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; markers[index] = marker; }); markers.sort(function (ma, mb) { return ma.distance - mb.distance; }); that.setData({ markers }); console.log(markers); } } }); }, onLoad2(e) { let { city, name, latitude, longitude, location } = e; console.log(name, latitude, longitude, location); this.setData({ city, latitude, longitude }); let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); let isLogin = wx.getStorageSync('isLogin'); // 页面显示 if (userInfo && isLogin) { //console.log(userInfo); //userInfo.flag = true; this.setData({ userInfo: userInfo, isLogin: isLogin }); } else { //未登录信息 this.setData({ userInfo: {} }); } //开始请求充电站信息 let that = this; var chargStationType; if (!userInfo.flag) { //用户是普通用户 chargStationType = '2'; } wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/chargStations', data: { lon: location.split(",")[0], lat: location.split(",")[1], distance: 10000, chargStationType }, method: 'POST', success(res) { that.resetchargStations(res.data) //userInfo.flag = true; if (isLogin && userInfo.flag) { wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/userChargStations', data: { userId: userInfo.userId, lat: latitude, lon: longitude }, method: 'POST', success(res1) { var myChargeStationsIds = ''; res1.data.forEach((item, index) => { myChargeStationsIds += item.id + ","; }); console.log(myChargeStationsIds); let { data } = res; let markers = []; data.forEach((item, index) => { console.log("itemitemitemitemitem"); console.log(item); //item.callout = { // content: item.name, //文本 String 1.2.0 // display: 'BYCLICK', //'BYCLICK': 点击显示; 'ALWAYS': 常显 String 1.2.0 // textAlign: 'center' //文本对齐方式。有效值: left, right, center String 1.6.0 // }; //console.log(Util.distance(latitude, longitude, item.lat, item.lon)); var marker = { name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", iconPath: "/images/marker.png", chargfeatures:item.chargfeatures, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(latitude, longitude, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice, /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, sharpChargPrice : item.sharpChargPrice, sharpServicePrice : item.sharpServicePrice, peakChargPrice : item.peakChargPrice, peakServicePrice : item.peakServicePrice, flatChargPrice : item.flatChargPrice, flatServicePrice : item.flatServicePrice, valleyChargPrice : item.valleyChargPrice, valleyServicePrice : item.valleyServicePrice, resultList: item.resultList, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; if (myChargeStationsIds.indexOf(item.id + ',') != -1) { marker.userFlag = true; } else { marker.userFlag = false; } markers[index] = marker; }); markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return ma.distance - mb.distance; }); that.setData({ markers, myChargeStationsIds }); console.log(markers); } }); } else { let { data } = res; let markers = []; data.forEach((item, index) => { console.log("itemitemitemitemitem"); //item.callout = { // content: item.name, //文本 String 1.2.0 // display: 'BYCLICK', //'BYCLICK': 点击显示; 'ALWAYS': 常显 String 1.2.0 // textAlign: 'center' //文本对齐方式。有效值: left, right, center String 1.6.0 // }; //console.log(Util.distance(latitude, longitude, item.lat, item.lon)); var marker = { name: item.chargStationName, address: item.address, width: "46rpx", height: "67rpx", iconPath: "/images/marker.png", chargfeatures:item.chargfeatures, id: item.id, callout: {}, latitude: item.lat, longitude: item.lon, //distance: item.distance / 1000, distance: Util.distance(latitude, longitude, item.lat, item.lon), chargPileNum: item.fastCharg + item.slowCharg, fastCharg: item.fastCharg, slowCharg: item.slowCharg, freenum: item.freenum, fastfreenum: item.fastfreenum, slowfreenum: item.slowfreenum, breaknum: item.breaknum, /** 电费 */ chargprice: item.chargprice, /** 服务费 */ serviceprice: item.serviceprice, /** 停车费 */ stopprice: item.stopprice, operationState: item.operationState, sharpChargPrice : item.sharpChargPrice, sharpServicePrice : item.sharpServicePrice, peakChargPrice : item.peakChargPrice, peakServicePrice : item.peakServicePrice, flatChargPrice : item.flatChargPrice, flatServicePrice : item.flatServicePrice, valleyChargPrice : item.valleyChargPrice, valleyServicePrice : item.valleyServicePrice, resultList: item.resultList, chargStationId: item.id, stationTag: item.stationTag, stationTagList: item.stationTagList, offlineServicecall: item.offlineServicecall, }; markers[index] = marker; }); markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return ma.distance - mb.distance; }); that.setData({ markers }); console.log(markers); } } }); }, getRoute(e) { console.log(e); // 起点 let { latitude, longitude, markers, city } = this.data; if (!markers.length) return; let markerId = e.currentTarget.id; // 终点 markers.forEach((item, index) => { if (markerId && markerId == item.id) { let { name, address, latitude: latitude2, longitude: longitude2 } = item; let url = `/pages/routes/routes?longitude=${longitude}&latitude=${latitude}&longitude2=${longitude2}&latitude2=${latitude2}&city=${city}&name=${name}&desc=${address}`; //console.log(url); wx.navigateTo({ url }); } }); }, goIndex(e) { //console.log(e); let that = this; let markerId = e.currentTarget.id; let pages = getCurrentPages(); let prevPage = pages[0]; //首页 let markers = this.data.markers; //首页 this.data.markers.forEach((item, index) => { if (markerId && markerId == item.id) { wx.navigateBack({ delta: pages.length }); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/carParkingRate?stationId=' + item.id, method: 'POST', success: function (res) { // 是否减免停车费 let carParkingRate = false let parkTime = 0; console.info(res) let reduceTime = res.data?.reduceTime; if(!reduceTime){ carParkingRate = false }else{ carParkingRate = true } try{ parkTime = parseFloat((reduceTime/ 3600).toFixed(2)) }catch(e){ carParkingRate = false } let { latitude, longitude } = item; prevPage.setData({ markers, markerId, latitude, longitude, carParkingRate, parkTime, keywords: that.data.keywords, textData: item }); console.info({ markers, markerId, latitude, longitude, keywords: that.data.keywords, textData: item }) }, fail(e) { console.log("用户数据同步失败"); log.info('[扫码]', '[同步用户数据]', '[fail]', e); } }); } }); }, myChargeStationsOrder(e) { let { markers } = this.data; if (markers && 0 != markers.length) { markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return mb.userFlag - ma.userFlag == 0 ? ma.distance - mb.distance : mb.userFlag - ma.userFlag; }); } this.setData({ markers, myChargeStationsActive: true, distanceActive: false, moneyActive: false, moneyPng: '', distancePng: '' }); }, distanceOrder(e) { let { markers } = this.data; let { distancePng } = this.data; if (distancePng == '' || distancePng == 'desc') { if (markers && 0 != markers.length) { markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return ma.distance - mb.distance; }); } this.setData({ distancePng: 'asc' }); } else { if (markers && 0 != markers.length) { markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return mb.distance - ma.distance; }); } this.setData({ distancePng: 'desc' }); } this.setData({ markers, myChargeStationsActive: false, distanceActive: true, moneyActive: false, moneyPng: '' }); }, moneyOrder(e) { let { markers } = this.data; let { moneyPng } = this.data; if (moneyPng == '' || moneyPng == 'desc') { if (markers && 0 != markers.length) { markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return (ma.chargprice + ma.serviceprice + ma.stopprice) - (mb.chargprice + mb.serviceprice + mb.stopprice); }); } this.setData({ moneyPng: 'asc' }); } else { if (markers && 0 != markers.length) { markers.sort(function(ma, mb) { return (mb.chargprice + mb.serviceprice + mb.stopprice) - (ma.chargprice + ma.serviceprice + ma.stopprice); }); } this.setData({ moneyPng: 'desc' }); } this.setData({ markers, myChargeStationsActive: false, distanceActive: false, moneyActive: true, distancePng: '' }); } })