// pages/ucenter/control/batteryControl.js Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { code: '202007221111110201', chargPile:{ // chargPileName:'测试电池包', // chargPileId:'202007221111110201', // address:'雁塔区小寨西路', // wxTest:'wxTest', chargPileName:'', chargPileId:'', address:'', wxTest:'wxTest', }, cars:[], carIndex: -1, locations:[], locationIndex: -1, wxTest:{ msg:'uuddudududud', index:0, t: new Date().valueOf(), tnum: 0, }, tractorTaskTypeIndex: -1, tractorTaskTypeList:[ { "txt": "装载电池包", "val": 2 }, { "txt": "卸载电池包", "val": 3 }, { "txt": "离开电池包", "val": 4 } ] }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad(options) { let that = this // let {code} = options // this.setData({ // code // }) wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/ivCar', data: { }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.info(res); let cars = res?.data?.result?res?.data?.result:[] that.setData({ cars }) } }) wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/ivParkPoint', data: { }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.info(res); let locations = res?.data?.result?res?.data?.result:[] that.setData({ locations }) } }) let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement + '/restapi/wechat/chargPile', data: { chargPileId:that.data.code, userId: userInfo.userId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { // log.info('[首页]', '[获取扫一扫充电桩]', '[响应]', res.data); console.info(res) if (!res.data || res.data.code == 500) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, content: res && res.data && res.data.msg ? res.data.msg :'无效的终端编号', confirmColor:'#00AADD', }); }else{ let chargPile = res.data.result; that.setData({ chargPile }) } }, fail(e) { getApp().showNetworkError(); } }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload() { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh() { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom() { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage() { }, upBtn(){ let that = this; // if(that.wxTestDebug(that,'u') > 4){ // return ; // } that.bettyControl(1) }, downBtn(){ let that = this; // if(that.wxTestDebug(that,'d') > 4){ // return ; // } that.bettyControl(2); }, bettyControl(bettyControl){ let that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '控制电池中。。。', mask: true }) wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/pileLog/bettyControl', data: { bettyControl, chargPileId: that.data.chargPile.chargPileId }, method: 'POST', success(res) { console.info(res) wx.hideLoading() wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: res.data.msg, duration: 1000 }) } }) }, wxTestDebugClick(){ let that = this if(new Date().valueOf() - that.data.wxTest.t <= 1000){ that.data.wxTest.tnum = that.data.wxTest.tnum + 1 }else{ that.data.wxTest.tnum = 0 } that.data.wxTest.t = new Date().valueOf() if(that.data.wxTest.tnum > 10){ wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/wxTest/switch', data: { }, method: 'GET', success(res) { that.data.wxTest.tnum = 0 wx.showToast({ title: "调试模式: " + res.data.msg, duration: 1000 }) } }) } }, wxTestDebug(that,s){ // let that = this; if(that.data.wxTest.msg.length == that.data.wxTest.index + 1){ wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/wxTest/switch', data: { }, method: 'GET', success(res) { wx.showToast({ title: "调试模式: " + res.data.msg, duration: 1000 }) } }) idx = 0; that.setData({ wxTest:{ msg:that.data.wxTest.msg, index: idx, } }) return; } let idx = 0 if(that.data.wxTest.msg.substr(that.data.wxTest.index,1) == s){ idx = that.data.wxTest.index + 1 that.setData({ wxTest:{ msg:that.data.wxTest.msg, index: idx, } }) }else{ idx = 0; that.setData({ wxTest:{ msg:that.data.wxTest.msg, index: idx, } }) } return idx; }, carTap(e){ let carIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; this.setData({ carIndex }) }, locationTap(e){ let locationIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; this.setData({ locationIndex }) }, tractorTaskTypeTap(e){ let tractorTaskTypeIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.idx; this.setData({ tractorTaskTypeIndex }) }, submit(){ let that = this; if(this.data.carIndex==-1){ wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请选择车辆', duration: 1000 }) return ; } if(this.data.locationIndex==-1){ wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请选择点位', duration: 1000 }) return ; } if(this.data.tractorTaskTypeIndex==-1){ wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '请选择任务类型', duration: 1000 }) return ; } let car = this.data.cars[this.data.carIndex]; let location = this.data.locations[this.data.locationIndex] wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '是否调度当前车辆?' + car.carName + "|" + location.pointShowName, complete: (res) => { if (res.cancel) { } if (res.confirm) { wx.showLoading({ title: '调度车辆中。。。', mask: true }) let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync('userInfo'); // userId: wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/createIvCarRequirement?' + 'finalTargetParkPointId=' + location.id + '&carId=' + car.id // + '&chargePileId=' + that.data.chargPile.id + '&chargePileId=12' + '&userId=' + userInfo.userId // + '&requirementType=' + that.data.tractorTaskTypeList[that.data.tractorTaskTypeIndex]['val'], + '&requirementType=0', data:{ // "finalTargetParkPointId":location.id, // "carId":car.id, // "chargePileId":that.data.chargPile.chargPileId, // "userId":userInfo.userId, // "requirementType":that.data.tractorTaskTypeList[that.data.tractorTaskTypeIndex]['val'], }, method: 'POST', success(ress) { if(ress && ress.statusCode==200){ let iid = ress.data.result.id; console.info(iid); console.info("11111111111111111"); wx.request({ url: getApp().globalData.postHeadAgreement +'/restapi/wechat/xingshen', data: { // capacityResourceId: car.id, // targetParkPointId: location.id, // tractorTaskType: that.data.tractorTaskTypeList[that.data.tractorTaskTypeIndex]['val'], // ivCarId:car.id, // targetParkPointId: 1, // capacityResourceId: location.id, // tractorTaskType: that.data.tractorTaskTypeList[that.data.tractorTaskTypeIndex]['val'], carId:car.id, parkPointId: location.id, carRequirementId: iid, tractorTaskType: that.data.tractorTaskTypeList[that.data.tractorTaskTypeIndex]['val'], }, method: 'POST', success(res) { wx.hideLoading(); if(res.statusCode==200){ if(res.data.code==200){ wx.showToast({ icon: 'success', title: res.data.msg, duration: 1000 }) }else{ wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '调度失败:' + res.data.msg, duration: 1000 }) } }else{ wx.showToast({ icon: 'none', title: '调度失败', duration: 1000 }) } } }) } }, }) } } }) }, })