EC800_FTP_OTA(5404).c 11 KB

  1. /* 连接到FTP服务器 ,从FTP服务器中下载文件,下载逻辑 */
  2. /* includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
  3. #include "EC800_FTP_OTA.h"
  4. /* typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
  5. typedef struct{
  6. const char *account; // 用户名
  7. const char *passWord; // 密码
  8. uint8_t fileType; // 文件类型 1;ASCII
  9. uint8_t transmode; // 传输模式 1:被动
  10. uint8_t rsptimeout; // 最大响应时间 90
  11. const char * ftpAddr; // ftp服务器地址
  12. uint16_t ftpPort; // ftp服务器端口
  13. const char * textDirectory; // 下载文件的文件所在目录
  14. const char *textName; // 下载文件的文件名称
  15. uint32_t filesize; // 下载的文件大小
  16. uint32_t startAddr; // 下载文件的起始字节
  17. uint32_t byteNum; // 一次获取的字节个数
  18. }ftpInfo;
  19. ftpInfo s_ftpInfo = {
  20. .account = "cdzupdate",
  21. .passWord = "cdz2021!Z",
  22. .fileType = 1,
  23. .transmode = 1,
  24. .rsptimeout = 90,
  25. .ftpAddr = "",
  26. .ftpPort = 21,
  27. .textDirectory = "/data/cdz",
  28. .textName = "centralCtrSys.bin",
  29. };
  30. /* define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
  31. // 登陆到FTP服务器
  32. // 第一步:配置和激活 PDP 上下文
  33. #define AT_QIACT_1 "AT+QIACT=1\r\n" // 激活 PDP 上下文 1
  34. #define AT_QIACT_query "AT+QIACT?\r\n" // 查询 PDP 上下文状态
  35. #define AT_QFTPCFG_ID_1 "AT+QFTPCFG=\"contextid\",1\r\n" // 查询 PDP 上下文状态
  36. // 第二步: 配置用户账号和传输设置
  37. #define AT_QFTPCFG_ACCOUNT "AT+QFTPCFG=\"account\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n" // 设置用户名和密码。
  38. #define AT_QFTPCFG_FILE(fileType) "AT+QFTPCFG=\"filetype\"," #fileType "\r\n" // 设置文件类型为ASCII AT+QFTPCFG="filetype",1
  39. #define AT_QFTPCFG_TRANS(mode) "AT+QFTPCFG=\"transmode\"," #mode "\r\n" // 设置为被动传输方式AT+QFTPCFG="transmode",1
  40. #define AT_QFTPCFG_TIMEOUT(time) "AT+QFTPCFG=\"rsptimeout\"," #time "\r\n" // 设置最大响应时间(默认为90秒)
  41. //第三步:登录FTP服务器。
  42. #define AT_QFTPOPEN(addr,port) "AT+QFTPOPEN=\"" #addr "\"," #port "\r\n" // 登录FTP服务器。
  43. // 从FTP服务器下载文件 本项目文件较小,选择直接通过COM口输出下载数据
  44. #define AT_QFTPCWD(directory) "AT+QFTPCWD=\"" #directory "\"\r\n" // 设置当前目录。
  45. #define AT_QFTPSIZE(textName) "AT+QFTPSIZE=\"" #textName "\"\r\n" // 查询 FTP(S)服务器 test_my1.txt 文件大小
  46. #define AT_QFTPGET(textName, startByte, downloadNum) \
  47. "AT+QFTPGET=\"" #textName "\",\"COM:\"," #startByte "," #downloadNum "\r\n" // 下载文件, 通过COM口输出特定字段的数据
  48. // 一次下载的字节个数
  49. #define DOWNLOAD_BYTE_LEN (200)
  50. /* macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
  51. /* variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
  52. /* function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
  53. /* 1.登陆到FTP服务器--------------------------------------------------------*/
  54. static uint8_t logIn_step = 0;
  55. /**
  56. * @brief 通过EC800登录FTP
  57. * @param NONE
  58. * @note NONE
  59. * @retval 无
  60. */
  61. void EC800_LogIn_FTP(void){
  62. char* found = NULL;
  63. uint8_t errorCnt = 0; // 错误计数
  64. ftpInfo *p_ftpInfo = &s_ftpInfo;
  65. char atCmd[100] = {0}; // 静态缓冲区用于存放AT命令
  66. p_ftpInfo->fileType = p_ftpInfo->fileType; // 避免报警告
  67. switch(logIn_step){
  68. case 0: // 配置和激活 PDP 上下文
  69. // EC800M_SendCommand(AT_QIACT_1);
  70. //
  71. // found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  72. //
  73. // if (found != NULL) {
  74. // printf("Activation successful\r\n");
  75. // }else{
  76. // errorCnt++;
  77. // printf("Activation unsuccessful\r\n");
  78. // }
  79. EC800M_SendCommand(AT_QIACT_query);
  80. found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  81. if (found != NULL) {
  82. printf("PDP Context Status OK\r\n");
  83. }else{
  84. errorCnt++;
  85. printf("PDP Context Status error\r\n");
  86. }
  87. EC800M_SendCommand(AT_QFTPCFG_ID_1);
  88. found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  89. if (found != NULL) {
  90. printf("Set PDP context to 1.\r\n");
  91. }else{
  92. errorCnt++;
  93. printf("ERROR! Set PDP context to 1.\r\n");
  94. }
  95. if(errorCnt == 0){
  96. logIn_step = 1;
  97. }
  98. break;
  99. case 1: // 配置用户账号和传输设置
  100. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"account\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n", p_ftpInfo->account, p_ftpInfo->passWord);
  101. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  102. found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  103. if (found != NULL) {
  104. printf("FINISH! Set username and password.\r\n");
  105. }else{
  106. errorCnt++;
  107. printf("ERROR! Set username and password.\r\n");
  108. }
  109. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"filetype\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->fileType);
  110. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  111. found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  112. if (found != NULL) {
  113. printf("FINISH! Set username and password.\r\n");
  114. }else{
  115. errorCnt++;
  116. printf("ERROR! Set username and password.\r\n");
  117. }
  118. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"transmode\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->transmode);
  119. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  120. found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  121. if (found != NULL) {
  122. printf("FINISH! Set to passive transfer mode.\r\n");
  123. }else{
  124. errorCnt++;
  125. printf("ERROR! Set to passive transfer mode.\r\n");
  126. }
  127. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"rsptimeout\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->rsptimeout);
  128. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  129. found = EC800M_RecRespond(g_usart3_rx_buf, AT_RESP_OK);
  130. if (found != NULL) {
  131. printf("FINISH! Set username and password.\r\n");
  132. }else{
  133. errorCnt++;
  134. printf("ERROR! Set username and password.\r\n");
  135. }
  136. if(errorCnt == 0){
  137. logIn_step = 2;
  138. }
  139. break;
  140. case 2: // 登录FTP服务器。
  141. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPOPEN=\"%s\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->ftpAddr, p_ftpInfo->ftpPort);
  142. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  143. errorCnt = Accept_and_Compare_Str("+QFTPOPEN: 0,0");
  144. if(errorCnt == 1){
  145. errorCnt = 0;
  146. printf("FINISH! Log in to the FTP server.\r\n");
  147. }else{
  148. printf("ERROR! Log in to the FTP server.\r\n");
  149. }
  150. if(errorCnt == 0){
  151. logIn_step = 3;
  152. }
  153. break;
  154. default :
  155. break;
  156. }
  157. }
  158. /* 2.从FTP服务器上下载文件--------------------------------------------------------*/
  159. /**
  160. * @brief 剔除除去固件的其他的数据
  161. * @param NONE
  162. * @note NONE
  163. * @retval 无
  164. */
  165. int extract_data_as_uint32(char* input, uint32_t* output, size_t output_size) {
  166. const char* start_marker = "\r\nCONNECT\r\n";
  167. const char* end_marker = "\r\nOK";
  168. const char* start;
  169. const char* end;
  170. // 寻找开始标记
  171. // start = strstr(input, start_marker);
  172. start = input;
  173. if (start == NULL) {
  174. return HAL_ERROR;
  175. }
  176. // 移动指针越过开始标记
  177. // start += strlen(start_marker);
  178. // 寻找结束标记
  179. end = search_sequence(start,USART3_REC_LEN, end_marker, strlen(end_marker));
  180. if (end == NULL) {
  181. return HAL_ERROR;
  182. }
  183. // 计算要提取数据的长度
  184. size_t data_length = end - start;
  185. // 确保提取的数据长度为4的倍数,适用于 uint32_t
  186. if (data_length % sizeof(uint32_t) != 0) {
  187. return HAL_ERROR;
  188. }
  189. // 计算 uint32_t 的数量
  190. size_t data_length_uint32 = data_length / sizeof(uint32_t);
  191. if (data_length_uint32 > output_size) { // 确保输出缓冲区能够存放提取的数据
  192. return HAL_ERROR;
  193. }
  194. // 提取数据并转换为 uint32_t 数组
  195. memcpy(output, start, data_length_uint32 * sizeof(uint32_t));
  196. memset(input,0,USART3_REC_LEN);
  197. return HAL_OK;
  198. }
  199. uint32_t totalBytesReceived = 0;
  200. uint32_t currentFlashAddress = APP1_ADDRESS;
  201. /**
  202. * @brief 更新固件
  203. * @param NONE
  204. * @note NONE
  205. * @retval 无
  206. */
  207. void UpdateFirmware(void) {
  208. ftpInfo *p_ftpInfo = &s_ftpInfo;
  209. uint32_t buffer[FLASH_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)]; // 2KB缓冲区
  210. uint8_t returnTemp = 0; // 用于接收返回值的临时变量
  211. char atCmd[100] = {0}; // 静态缓冲区用于存放AT命令
  212. if (totalBytesReceived < (p_ftpInfo->filesize)) {
  213. // 计算剩余要接收的字节数
  214. uint32_t remaining = (p_ftpInfo->filesize) - totalBytesReceived;
  215. uint32_t bytesToRead = remaining < DOWNLOAD_BYTE_LEN ? remaining : DOWNLOAD_BYTE_LEN;
  216. p_ftpInfo->startAddr = totalBytesReceived;
  217. p_ftpInfo->byteNum = bytesToRead; //
  218. // 发送AT指令以开始接收
  219. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPGET=\"%s\",\"COM:\",%u,%u\r\n", p_ftpInfo->textName, p_ftpInfo->startAddr, p_ftpInfo->byteNum);
  220. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  221. returnTemp = Accept_and_Compare_Str("+QFTPGET: 0,"); // 开始接收数据
  222. if((returnTemp == 1) || (returnTemp == 3)){ // 接收成功
  223. // 接收数据处理到buffer 剔除除去固件的其他的数据
  224. returnTemp = extract_data_as_uint32(g_usart3_rx_buf, buffer, FLASH_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t));
  225. if(returnTemp != HAL_OK){
  226. printf("ERROR! UpdateFirmware_extract_data\n");
  227. return;
  228. }else{
  229. printf("FINISH! remaining = %u\n", remaining);
  230. }
  231. }else{
  232. return;
  233. }
  234. // 将接收到的数据写入Flash
  235. // if (FLASH_Write(currentFlashAddress, buffer, FLASH_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)) != HAL_OK) {
  236. // // 错误处理
  237. // printf("ERROR! UpdateFirmware_FLASH_Write\n");
  238. // return;
  239. // }
  240. // 更新地址和接收统计
  241. currentFlashAddress += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;
  242. totalBytesReceived += bytesToRead;
  243. }
  244. // 根据实际情况实现接收完成后的操作
  245. }
  246. uint8_t downloadStep = 0;
  247. /**
  248. * @brief FTP服务器上下载文件
  249. * @param NONE
  250. * @note 每一个任务周期过来下载2k的数据,以保证其他任务的正常运行
  251. * @retval 无
  252. */
  253. void EC800_FTP_DownloadText(void){
  254. uint8_t errorCnt = 0; // 错误计数
  255. ftpInfo *p_ftpInfo = &s_ftpInfo;
  256. char atCmd[100] = {0}; // 静态缓冲区用于存放AT命令
  257. switch(downloadStep){
  258. case 0: // 设置文件目录
  259. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCWD=\"%s\"\r\n", p_ftpInfo->textDirectory);
  260. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  261. errorCnt = Accept_and_Compare_Str("+QFTPCWD: 0,0");
  262. if (errorCnt == 1) {
  263. errorCnt = 0;
  264. printf("FINISH! Set the file directory.\r\n");
  265. }else{
  266. printf("ERROR! Set the file directory.\r\n");
  267. }
  268. if(errorCnt == 0){
  269. downloadStep = 1;
  270. }
  271. break;
  272. case 1: // 获取文件长度
  273. snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPSIZE=\"%s\"\r\n", p_ftpInfo->textName);
  274. EC800M_SendCommand(atCmd);
  275. errorCnt = Accept_and_Compare_Str("+QFTPSIZE: 0,");
  276. if (errorCnt == 1) {
  277. errorCnt = 0;
  278. printf("FINISH! Get the length of the file.\r\n");
  279. // 使用sscanf从字符串中解析整数
  280. if(sscanf(g_usart3_rx_buf, "\r\n+QFTPSIZE: %*d,%u", &(p_ftpInfo->filesize)) == 1) {
  281. // 解析成功,filesize变量现在包含值1000
  282. printf("The filesize is: %u\n", p_ftpInfo->filesize);
  283. } else {
  284. // 解析失败
  285. errorCnt++;
  286. printf("Failed to parse the filesize.\n");
  287. }
  288. }else{
  289. printf("ERROR! Get the length of the file.\r\n");
  290. }
  291. if(errorCnt == 0){
  292. downloadStep = 2;
  293. }
  294. break;
  295. case 2:
  296. UpdateFirmware();
  297. break;
  298. default :
  299. break;
  300. }
  301. }
  302. /* 3. OTA升级从FTP流程--------------------------------------------------------*/
  303. uint8_t upgradeStep = 0;
  304. /**
  305. * @brief OTA升级从FTP
  306. * @param NONE
  307. * @note NONE
  308. * @retval 无
  309. */
  310. void EC800_FTP_OTA_Upgrade(void){
  311. switch (upgradeStep){
  312. case 0: // 登陆到FTP服务器
  313. EC800_LogIn_FTP();
  314. if(logIn_step == 3){
  315. upgradeStep = 1;
  316. }
  317. break;
  318. case 1: // 从FTP服务器上下载文件
  319. EC800_FTP_DownloadText();
  320. break;
  321. case 2: // 复位升级
  322. HAL_NVIC_SystemReset();
  323. break;
  324. default:
  325. break;
  326. }
  327. }