centralCtrSys.SearchResults 20 KB

  1. ---- printf Matches (198 in 11 files) ----
  2. print_number in cJSON.c (Core\Src) : if (str) sprintf(str,"%d",item->valueint);
  3. print_number in cJSON.c (Core\Src) : if (fabs(floor(d)-d)<=DBL_EPSILON && fabs(d)<1.0e60)sprintf(str,"%.0f",d);
  4. print_number in cJSON.c (Core\Src) : else if (fabs(d)<1.0e-6 || fabs(d)>1.0e9) sprintf(str,"%e",d);
  5. print_number in cJSON.c (Core\Src) : else sprintf(str,"%f",d);
  6. print_string_ptr in cJSON.c (Core\Src) : default: sprintf(ptr2,"u%04x",token);ptr2+=5; break; /* escape and print */
  7. parseModbus03Response in comm_car_485.c (User\comm_car_485) : printf("Response too short or function code mismatch!\n");
  8. parseModbus10Response in comm_car_485.c (User\comm_car_485) : printf("Response length mismatch or function code mismatch!\n");
  9. parseModbus10Response in comm_car_485.c (User\comm_car_485) : printf("Written to start address: %d, number of registers: %d\n", startAddress, numRegisters);
  10. parseModbusResponse in comm_car_485.c (User\comm_car_485) : printf("CRC check failed!\n");
  11. EC800_getIMSI in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("IMSI is get\r\n");
  12. EC800_getIMSI in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("IMSI is not get\r\n");
  13. EC800_getIMSI in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("IMSI is: %s\n", number);
  14. EC800_getIMSI in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Error: Unable to extract the number\n");
  15. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Module status normal\r\n");
  16. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Module status abnormal\r\n");
  17. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Cancel module echo\r\n");
  18. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to cancel module echo\r\n");
  19. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("SIM card normal\r\n");
  20. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("SIM card abnormal\r\n");
  21. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("signal normal\r\n");
  22. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("signal abnormal\r\n");
  23. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("The module successfully registered on the GSM network\r\n");
  24. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("The module failed to register on the GSM network\r\n");
  25. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The module successfully registered on the GSM network\r\n");
  26. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The module failed to register on the GSM network\r\n");
  27. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Successfully disabled mobile scene\r\n");
  28. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to disable mobile scene\r\n");
  29. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Successfully enabled mobile scene\r\n");
  30. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to enable mobile scene\r\n");
  31. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "AT+QMTCFG=\"qmtping\",0,%d\r\n", 30);
  32. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("MQTT heartbeat set successfully\r\n");
  33. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to set MQTT heartbeat\r\n");
  34. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Data receiving mode set successfully.\r\n");
  35. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to set data receiving mode\r\n");
  36. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command,"AT+QMTOPEN=0,\"%s\",%d\r\n", s_ec800Date.ip, s_ec800Date.port);
  37. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("Successfully opened a network for the module\r\n");
  38. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("Failed to open a network for the module\r\n");
  39. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Successfully opened a network for the module\r\n");
  40. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to open a network for the module\r\n");
  41. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command,"AT+QMTCONN=0,%s,%s,%s\r\n",s_ec800Date.clientid, s_ec800Date.username, s_ec800Date.password);
  42. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Successfully connected to the MQTT server\r\n");
  43. EC800M_link in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to connect to the MQTT server\r\n");
  44. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Turn off the GNSS module\r\n");
  45. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to turn off the GNSS module\r\n");
  46. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Turn on the GNSS module\r\n");
  47. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to turn on the GNSS module\r\n");
  48. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Outputting NMEA Sentences via Serial Debugging\r\n");
  49. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The NMEA sentence output is set incorrectly\r\n");
  50. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Enabling NMEA sentence retrieval via AT+QGPSGNMEA\r\n");
  51. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to enable retrieving NMEA sentences via AT+QGPSGNMEA\r\n");
  52. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Configuring the output type of NMEA sentences to all formats\r\n");
  53. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to configure the output type of NMEA sentences to all formats\r\n");
  54. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Configuring the supported GNSS satellite navigation systems to GPS+BeiDou\r\n");
  55. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to configure the supported GNSS satellite navigation systems to GPS+BeiDou\r\n");
  56. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Disable GNSS auto-start\r\n");
  57. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to disable GNSS auto-start\r\n");
  58. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Disable AP-Flash quick start function\r\n");
  59. EC800_gnss_init in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to disable AP-Flash quick start function\r\n");
  60. EC800_readGnssDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Location information received successfully\r\n");
  61. EC800_readGnssDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Location information reception failed\r\n");
  62. EC800_readGnssDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Location information:%s\r\n", g_usart4_rx_buf);
  63. EC800_readGnssDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("timer-%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d\r\n",s_nmea_utc_time.year,s_nmea_utc_time.month,s_nmea_utc_time.date,s_nmea_utc_time.hour,s_nmea_utc_time.min,s_nmea_utc_time.sec);
  64. EC800_readGnssDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("latitude:%d%d--longitude:%d%d\r\n", s_nmea_msg.latitude, s_nmea_msg.nshemi, s_nmea_msg.longitude, s_nmea_msg.ewhemi);
  65. EC800_subscribeToTopic in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "AT+QMTSUB=0,1,\"%s\",0\r\n", topic1);
  66. EC800_subscribeToTopic in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Subscription to the topic successful\r\n");
  67. EC800_subscribeToTopic in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Subscription to the topic failed\r\n");
  68. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command,"AT+QMTPUBEX=0,0,0,0,\"%s\",%d\r\n",topic,len);
  69. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The topic has been linked\r\n");
  70. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The topic link failed\r\n");
  71. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("The message has been successfully posted\r\n");
  72. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("Message publication failed\r\n");
  73. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The message has been successfully posted\r\n");
  74. EC800_publishMessage in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Message publication failed\r\n");
  75. Login_Topic in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "%x%x%x", s_messageDate.devId[0], s_messageDate.devId[1], s_messageDate.devId[2]);
  76. requesting_Fence_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "%x%x%x", s_messageDate.devId[0], s_messageDate.devId[1], s_messageDate.devId[2]);
  77. EC800_uploadFaultReport in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "%x%x%x", s_messageDate.devId[0], s_messageDate.devId[1], s_messageDate.devId[2]);
  78. EC800_time_calibration in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "%x%x%x", s_messageDate.devId[0], s_messageDate.devId[1], s_messageDate.devId[2]);
  79. parseServerTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Year (int): %d\n", s_recDate.year);
  80. parseServerTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Month (int): %d\n", s_recDate.month);
  81. parseServerTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Day (int): %d\n", s_recDate.day);
  82. parseServerTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Hour (int): %d\n", s_recDate.hour);
  83. parseServerTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Minute (int): %d\n", s_recDate.minute);
  84. parseServerTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Second (int): %d\n", s_recDate.sec);
  85. EC800_parseRespondTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"resultCode\" not found\n");
  86. EC800_parseRespondTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("resultCode: %d\n", item->valueint);
  87. EC800_parseRespondTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The upload of synchronized data was successful.\n");
  88. EC800_parseRespondTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The upload of synchronized data has failed.\n");
  89. EC800_parseRespondTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"serverTime\" not found\n");
  90. EC800_parseRespondTime in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("serverTime: %s\n", item->valuestring);
  91. EC800_uploadRealDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "%x%x%x", s_messageDate.devId[0], s_messageDate.devId[1], s_messageDate.devId[2]);
  92. EC800_uploadRealDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : snprintf(command, sizeof(command), "%.5f,%.5f", point1Lat, point1Lng);
  93. EC800_respondRealDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"resultCode\" not found\n");
  94. EC800_respondRealDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("resultCode: %d\n", item->valueint);
  95. EC800_respondRealDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Uploaded real-time data successfully\n");
  96. EC800_respondRealDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("The upload of real-time data has failed\n");
  97. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to parse paramList data\n");
  98. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"update\" not found\n");
  99. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("function: %d\n", item->valueint);
  100. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("update begin\n");
  101. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("no update\n");
  102. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"ftpAddr\" not found\n");
  103. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("ftpAddr: %s\n", item->valuestring);
  104. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"ftpPort\" not found\n");
  105. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("ftpPort: %d\n", item->valueint);
  106. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"account\" not found\n");
  107. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("account: %s\n", item->valuestring);
  108. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"passWord\" not found\n");
  109. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("account: %s\n", item->valuestring);
  110. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"textDirectory\" not found\n");
  111. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("textDirectory: %s\n", item->valuestring);
  112. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"textName\" not found\n");
  113. EC800_respondUpdateDate in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("textName: %s\n", item->valuestring);
  114. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Root object is NULL\n");
  115. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("polygonLat is not an array or is missing\n");
  116. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("polygonLng is not an array or is missing\n");
  117. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Array sizes mismatch or exceed maximum allowed size\n");
  118. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Lat item is not a number or is missing\n");
  119. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Lng item is not a number or is missing\n");
  120. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("Field \"speedLimit\" not found\n");
  121. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("Field \"overspeedTimeout\" not found\n");
  122. parse_Latitude_Longitude_Data in EC800.c (Core\Src) : // printf("Field \"fenceBreachTimeout\" not found\n");
  123. parse_Login_Response in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"resultCode\" not found\n");
  124. parse_Login_Response in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("resultCode: %d\n", item->valueint);
  125. parse_Login_Response in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Login response data successfully\n");
  126. parse_Login_Response in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Login response has failed\n");
  127. processRemoteControl in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("paramList is empty\n");
  128. processRemoteControl in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("paramList is empty\n");
  129. processRemoteControl in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("id is not a string\n");
  130. processRemoteControl in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("id: %d\n", id->valueint);
  131. processRemoteControl in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("value is not a string\n");
  132. processRemoteControl in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("value: %d\n", item->valueint);
  133. EC800_respondParse in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("JSON data not found\n");
  134. EC800_respondParse in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Failed to parse JSON data\n");
  135. EC800_respondParse in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("Field \"devId\" not found\n");
  136. EC800_respondParse in EC800.c (Core\Src) : printf("controlCode: %d\n", item->valueint);
  137. EC800_stateTransition_use in EC800.c (Core\Src) : sprintf(command, "toclient/%d/%x%x%x", DEV_TYPE, s_messageDate.devId[0], s_messageDate.devId[1], s_messageDate.devId[2]);
  138. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : // printf("Activation successful\r\n");
  139. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : // printf("Activation unsuccessful\r\n");
  140. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("PDP Context Status OK\r\n");
  141. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("PDP Context Status error\r\n");
  142. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("Set PDP context to 1.\r\n");
  143. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Set PDP context to 1.\r\n");
  144. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"account\",\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n", p_ftpInfo->account, p_ftpInfo->passWord);
  145. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Set username and password.\r\n");
  146. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Set username and password.\r\n");
  147. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"filetype\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->fileType);
  148. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Set username and password.\r\n");
  149. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Set username and password.\r\n");
  150. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"transmode\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->transmode);
  151. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Set to passive transfer mode.\r\n");
  152. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Set to passive transfer mode.\r\n");
  153. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCFG=\"rsptimeout\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->rsptimeout);
  154. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Set username and password.\r\n");
  155. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Set username and password.\r\n");
  156. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPOPEN=\"%s\",%d\r\n", p_ftpInfo->ftpAddr, p_ftpInfo->ftpPort);
  157. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Log in to the FTP server.\r\n");
  158. EC800_LogIn_FTP in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Log in to the FTP server.\r\n");
  159. EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) line 249 : * @note 执行过程中不能使用printf(会触发hardfault),暂不清楚原因
  160. UpdateFirmware in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, AT_CMD_SIZE, "AT+QFTPGET=\"%s\",\"COM:\",%u,%u\r\n",
  161. UpdateFirmware in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, AT_CMD_SIZE, "+QFTPGET: 0,");
  162. UpdateFirmware in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : // printf("ERROR! UpdateFirmware_extract_data\n");
  163. UpdateFirmware in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : // printf("ERROR! Write to flash failed\n");
  164. UpdateFirmware in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : // printf("ERROR! Receive fault!\n");
  165. UpdateFirmware in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : // printf("ERROR! Write to flash failed\n");
  166. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPCWD=\"%s\"\r\n", p_ftpInfo->textDirectory);
  167. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Set the file directory.\r\n");
  168. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Set the file directory.\r\n");
  169. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : snprintf(atCmd, sizeof(atCmd), "AT+QFTPSIZE=\"%s\"\r\n", p_ftpInfo->textName);
  170. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("FINISH! Get the length of the file.\r\n");
  171. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("The filesize is: %u\n", p_ftpInfo->filesize);
  172. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("Failed to parse the filesize.\n");
  173. EC800_FTP_DownloadText in EC800_FTP_OTA.c (User\OTA) : printf("ERROR! Get the length of the file.\r\n");
  174. centralCtrSys_Init in global.c (User\global) : printf("ATK-MS6050 init failed!\r\n");
  175. centralCtrSys_Init in global.c (User\global) : printf("ATK-MS6050 init\r\n");
  176. centralCtrSys_Init in global.c (User\global) : printf("ATK-MS6050 DMP init failed!\r\n");
  177. centralCtrSys_Init in global.c (User\global) : printf("ATK-MS6050 DMP init!\r\n");
  178. formatDateTimeAndMalfunction in global.c (User\global) : sprintf(output, "%04u%02u%02u-%02u%02u%02u:0x%08X,",
  179. HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback in main.c (Core\Src) : // printf("TIM2_Priority:%d\r\n",preemptPriority);
  180. HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback in main.c (Core\Src) : // printf("TIM3_Priority:%d\r\n",preemptPriority);
  181. assert_failed in main.c (Core\Src) : ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
  182. norflash_init in norflash.c (User\norflash) : //printf("ID:%x\r\n", g_norflash_type);
  183. norflash_write in norflash.c (User\norflash) : //printf("ad:%X,nb:%X\r\n", addr, datalen); /* 测试用 */
  184. norflash_erase_sector in norflash.c (User\norflash) : //printf("fe:%x\r\n", saddr); /* 监视flash擦除情况,测试用 */
  185. evaluateGeofenceBoundary in task_communication.c (Core\Src) : printf("Test case 1: Point (%f, %f) is%s inside the polygon.\n", point1Lat, point1Lng, result1 ? "" : " not");
  186. task_communication_content in task_communication.c (Core\Src) : // printf("test_isPointInPolygon:%ld\r\n", times);
  187. task_ec800_content in task_ec800_upload.c (Core\Src) : // printf("task run time: %ld\r\n", times);
  188. gyroscope_fault_deal in task_handleData.c (User\Task_handleData) : printf("ATK-MS6050 init failed!\r\n");
  189. gyroscope_fault_deal in task_handleData.c (User\Task_handleData) : printf("ATK-MS6050 init\r\n");
  190. gyroscope_fault_deal in task_handleData.c (User\Task_handleData) : printf("ATK-MS6050 DMP init failed!\r\n");
  191. gyroscope_fault_deal in task_handleData.c (User\Task_handleData) : printf("ATK-MS6050 DMP init!\r\n");
  192. task_handle_data in task_handleData.c (User\Task_handleData) : printf("The vehicle is turning.\r\n");
  193. task_handle_data in task_handleData.c (User\Task_handleData) : printf("Vehicle not turning.\r\n");
  194. isTurning in turnDetection.c (User\mpu6050_app) : printf("pitch:%.1f\n", pitch);
  195. isTurning in turnDetection.c (User\mpu6050_app) : printf("roll:%.1f\n", roll);
  196. isTurning in turnDetection.c (User\mpu6050_app) : printf("yaw:%.1f\n", yaw);
  197. isTurning in turnDetection.c (User\mpu6050_app) : printf("pitchChangeRate:%.1f\n", pitchChangeRate);
  198. isTurning in turnDetection.c (User\mpu6050_app) : printf("rollChangeRate:%.1f\n", rollChangeRate);
  199. isTurning in turnDetection.c (User\mpu6050_app) : printf("yawChangeRate:%.1f\n", yawChangeRate);